IMAC Judging Training Sportsman Known 2011 Jeff Mortimer
General Sportsman Known 2011 Horizontal wings level flight denoted the start and end of each figure. If no horizontal line is seen before the next figure is flown, one point per figure will be deducted. If heading errors etc are corrected before commencing the next figure, one point will be deducted from the preceding figure only. If a figure is omitted, but the next figure is flown in sequence, the omitted figure is zeroed. Flying the wrong figure obviously results in a zero. Adding a figure will cause the next figure to be zeroed. If a break in sequence occurs, the figure in progress at the time of the break will be zeroed. On resumption of scored flight, the figure that was zeroed will be flown again but not scored. Break penalty at Sportsman level is 20 points. If a break in sequence occurs relating to safety, weather, collision avoidance etc, this will not be penalized.
Airspace control The HIGHEST standard for Airspace control: The pilot that exhibits a significant ability to control the location of the aircraft inside the Airspace, relative to the judges, resulting in a tight footprint and locates the aircraft that it can be optimally judged at all times should receive a TEN (10). The LOWEST standard for Airspace control: The pilot that exhibits a poor ability to control the location of the aircraft inside the Airspace, relative to the judges, resulting in an excessively large footprint and has the aircraft consistently so far away as to be difficult to properly judge. This pilot exhibits a very poor Airspace control and should receive a zero (0). Pilots exhibiting Airspace control within the range of these two standards will be graded with a range of possible scores from ten (10) to zero (0) in whole point increments Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 6
Sound score The sound presentation will be on a scale 0 to denoting “very quiet” and 0 denoting “very loud”. If a pilot receives a sound score of 3 or less from 2 or more judges, the pilot will be requested by the CD to adjust or modify the aircraft before competing again. If that pilot again receives a sound score of 3 or less from 2 or more judges, the pilot will be disqualified. Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 6
The sequence
The score sheet
Figure 1 – Goldfish ½ roll on 1 st upline 2x4 roll on 2 nd upline All looping radii, including entry and exit, must be the same. 45 degree lines judged on track – ½ point per 5 degrees. Half rolls on 45 degree lines to be centred. Visible variation - 1 point, 1:2 variation - 2 points, above 1:2 variation 3 points, only 1 line – 4 points, no lines before and after 2 points. Hesitation roll to be accurate – ½ point per 5 degrees. Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 29
Figure 2 – Half inside bunt, roll on exit Any variation in radius – 1 point per occurrence. If roll starts before end of looping element, ½ point per 5 degrees. Any line seen before roll, 2 points. Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 14
Figure 3 – Stall-turn, 45 degree up-line then vertical line, roll on down-line Only yaw during rotation. If pitch or roll seen ½ point per 5 degrees. 45 degree and vertical lines to be wind corrected – ½ point per 5 degrees. Half roll on down line to be centred. Visible variation - 1 point, 1:2 variation - 2 points, above 1:2 variation 3 points, only 1 line – 4 points, no lines before and after 2 points. Pendulum after rotation - ½ point per 5 degrees. The radii of the ¼ and 1/8 loops must be the same. Point of rotation within wingtip, 1 point if half wingspan away, 2 points if 2 half wingspans away, 3 points if 3 half wingspans away. Flyover, tail-slide or “flops” are zeros. Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 26
Figure 4 – Half square loop 2x4 point roll in up-line The vertical line to be wind corrected – ½ point per 5 degrees Half roll on vertical line to be centred. Visible variation - 1 point, 1:2 variation - 2 points, above 1:2 variation 3 points, only 1 line – 4 points, no lines before and after 2 points. Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 19
Figure 5 - One turn spin Entry flight path must be horizontal. Beware being influenced by change in attitude as aircraft slows. Wing drop and nose drop must occur simultaneously - ½ point per 5 degrees. If spin stops early leading to use of ailerons to exit on heading - ½ point per 5 degrees. Spin must stop on heading - ½ point per 5 degrees. Wind corrected vertical down line after spin - ½ point per 5 degrees. ¼ loop of constant radius.. Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 15
Figure 6 – Humpty, 2x8 point roll on up-line, ¾ roll on down-line Vertical lines to be wind corrected – ½ point per 5 degrees. Entry and exit ¼ loops to have same radius, top ½ loop may differ. 2x8 point roll on up line to be centred. Visible variation - 1 point, 1:2 variation - 2 points, above 1:2 variation 3 points, only 1 line – 4 points, no lines before and after 2 points. ¾ roll on down line to be centred. Visible variation - 1 point, 1:2 variation - 2 points, above 1:2 variation 3 points, only 1 line – 4 points, no lines before and after 2 points.. 2x8 point roll on up line to be accurate – ½ point per 5 degrees. ¾ roll on down line to be accurate– ½ point per 5 degrees.. Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 26
Figure 7 – ½ reverse Cuban, 2x4 point roll on 45 degree up-line, ½ roll on exit 45 degree up line to be wind corrected – ½ point per 5 degrees. 2x4 point roll on 45 degree up line to be centred. Visible variation - 1 point, 1:2 variation - 2 points, above 1:2 variation 3 points, only 1 line – 4 points, no lines before and after 2 points. 2x4 point roll to be accurate – ½ point per 5 degrees. Looping element must be round and of constant radius. Any line seen before ½ roll, 2 points. If ½ roll starts before end of looping element, ½ point per 5 degrees. ½ roll to inverted to be accurate – ½ point per 5 degrees.. Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 22 1/8 loop and 5/8 loop must have same radius.
Figure 8 – Outside/inside loop, ½ roll on top Must be round and begin and end at same height. Radius must be constant – 1 point per occurrence. ½ point per 5 degrees for any wind drift during manoeuvre. ½ roll must be centred at top If ½ roll flown on a line, 2 points Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 16
Figure 9 – Immelmann 1 roll on entry ½ roll on exit Looping element must be wind corrected, round and of constant radius. ½ loop must start immediately after roll. If visible line after roll, 2 points. Any line seen before ½ roll, 2 points If ½ roll starts before end of looping element, ½ point per 5 degrees Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 18
Figure 10 – Inverted shark’s tooth Positive flick on down line 45 degree down line to be wind corrected – ½ point per 5 degrees. Positive flick roll on 45 degree down line to be centred. Visible variation - 1 point, 1:2 variation - 2 points, above 1:2 variation 3 points, only 1 line – 4 points, no lines before and after 2 points. Looping elements must be round and of constant radius, but need not be equal.. Nose must be seen to pitch up at onset of flick. Zero if not seen. Autorotation must be initiated. Zero if no autorotation, roll barreled on “aileroned” Sportsman Known 2011 K factor = 24
The sequence