What Hospice really is….. 1. Hospice is a team of health professionals caring for the patient, and relieving anxiety for the caregiver/family. 2. Hospice care is provided wherever the patient calls home. 3. Hospice is fully covered by Medicare/Medicaid/many private insurances and the VA. 4. Hospice provides pain and symptom management, personal care, support for social, spiritual, emotional and grief issues. 5. Hospice covers medications related to the life-limiting disease, DME, medical supplies to manage incontinence, wounds etc.
What Does it Take to Qualify for Hospice Care Life-limiting illness No curative care being pursued Prognosis of 6 months or less if the disease follows its normal course Meets disease specific criteria for prognosis
Faces of Hospice Laughter Sharing
Faces of Hospice TrustCommitment
We Honor Veterans 680,000 veterans are dying every year. A vast majority of veterans are not enrolled in VA and are not aware of the end of live services and benefits available to them. National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization along with the VA created the WHV program to assist Veterans with End of Life care. Hospice has to prove commitment to our veterans and competence to provide the specialized care our hero’s deserve.
Veterans Face Death Differently than Civilians Why???.....How??? Indoctrination into the military culture Stoicism Exposure to combat Traumatic or dangerous duty assignments Era Served All effect the veteran and family at end of life
SouthernCare is Level 4 WHV Provider SouthernCare as a Level 4 provider has proven to the NHPCO its commitment to care for our nations heroes. SouthernCare as a Level 4 provider has proven to the VA system its competence in providing the specialized end of life care our nations heroes have earned. SouthernCare has provided this care to over 1000 veterans YTD!!!
The Referral Process Anyone can make a Referral!!! Veteran Will receive extensive education on Hospice care. RN will complete a full assessment. Veterans Physician and Hospice Medical Director will review assessment findings, health history and determine eligibility for Hospice Benefit. If found eligible for Benefit- Care will begin. If found not quite ready yet then with veteran’s permission they will be contacted by the Hospice staff periodically to monitor condition and reassess as needed.
Making a Referral is Easy MAKE 1 CALL!! Sue Gipson RN CHPN Sue will contact an experienced team of SouthernCare professionals to assist your veteran!!!