Welco me
Word power Unit one Words used in play scripts
Self-introduction Name: Xue Lei From: Wuxi No.1 High School Sherry
I love Nanjing! A dream came true!
Mum versus Dad scientist writer policeman businessman musician basketball player doctor a person who performs or writes music a person who works in a science a person who writes books a person who plays basketball a person who does business a person who works in the police station a person who treats sick people
Mum versus Dad Tip1 : suffixes like “-ian, -ist, -man, -er, - or” often refer to people or their career scient-ist writ-er police-man business-man music-ian basketball play-er doct-or
What a director should know?
a person who acts in a play or film an instrument for making sounds louder a something that allows other things to be seen the clothes worn in plays the raised floor where plays are performed actor/actress stage costume microphone light
a piece of hanging cloth that can be pulled across the front of the stage an article (e.g. a chair) that is used on the stage in the acting of a play the set of painted backgrounds used on a theatre stage the left or the right side of the stage which can’t be seen by the audience curtain prop scenery wing
Read and understand Read the text and give the definition for the following words and expressions: cast, lines, script, stage direction, act, scene
Revision stage cast script others Words used in play scripts director actor actress wings lights curtains scenery microphone lines acts scenes stage direction costumes props Tip2 : Group the words!
Rules S1 S2 choose one card explain the word to S1 guess the word on the card √ √ × ×
Make up your sentences using as many words learned today as possible.
Complete the passage using the vocabulary we have learned today. Fill in the blanks.
The movie: Jane Eyre Tip3 : Practice makes perfect!
Your show time!
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. William Shakespeare Life is a stage where we are not only an actor but more a director. We write our lines in the script, give stage directions, and divide our own acts and scenes. We also should learn to work with our cast. Always keep smiling, and life is sure to smile on us someday! Sherry
Homework Search the Internet and find more idioms about smiling and laughing. in about 120 words to use the words we’ve learned today funny enough to make your family and friends laugh Write a short story.
Unit one Laughter is good for you
Thank you!