Consorzio COMETA - Progetto PI2S2 UNIONE EUROPEA GRIDICOM G. Foti 1), S. Scifo 2), R. Barbera 3), F. Portuese 4), S. Parisi 5) 1) Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Catania 2) Consorzio Cometa 3) Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare e Università di Catania 4) IR&T engineering s.r.l., Catania GRISU' Open Day su Bio-immagini e Grid Napoli, Relatore: Dott. Salvatore Scifo
2 The context The project is carried out by a collaboration between the Cometa Consortium and the IR&T engineering s.r.l. of Catania in the context of the PI2S2 project. GRIDICOM Team Prof. Gaetano Foti Prof. Roberto Barbera Dott. Salvatore Scifo Dott. Ing. Ferdinando Portuese Dott. Ing. Salvatore Parisi GRIDICOM
DICOM is the acronimous of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine It identifies the standard developed to manage both digital images and their intrinsic information in the medical contexts. 3 The DICOM Standard I It is more than a simple image including both metadata about patient, medical structure and data raw information
AcquisitionDiagnostic 4 The DICOM Standard II –encourages the interconnection among several medical diagnostic equipments –allows data and information archiving, sharing and querying
PACS limits vs Grid benefits PACS –Low performance –Long data access time –Huge data quantity management –Usually only the last 18 months are kept online –The space requirement for storage of medical studios is growing quickly GRID –In this context automated management tools make the archive able to be managed with less administrative effort. –Fast access to historical images contributes to improve patient care. –Redundant architecture ensures image accessibility even in the event of the loss of data centre. –Repositories can be organized according to Sanitary Organizations needs, mapping each of them on different Grid Virtual Organizations, and for each organization appropriate access control rules and/or shared policies can be defined
6 GRIDICOM Idea gather all images generated by PACS distributed in several geographic locations extract all their fully qualifying metadata (DICOM) make DICOMs anonymous organize them inside a big Grid Knowledge Base.
7 1 – The modality is the acquisition system which produces the DICOM images. 2 – The DICOMs are sent to the PACS. 3 – The PACS collects all DICOMs incoming from several modalities and transfers them on the Grid Storage using an asynchronous process. 4 – By means of a common workstation it is possible to Logon to the GRIDICOM Web Interface to manage DICOM images remotely. GRIDICOM Workflow
GRIDICOM Architecture Software Interface (gsaf) –it interacts to the Grid Data Management Service in order to exploit all repository capabilities Client/Server Application –agents working remotely at PACS side to provides images –centralized collector works as Storage Manager to store and archive files at Grid side
Grid Integration via GSAF It is a Object Oriented Framework designed to work as a plug-in to include vertical specialized modules dedicated to DMS interactions. It is built on top of Grid Data Services APIs and it appears as a unique interface 100% java implementation for Enterprise Application extensible to include other middleware Data Management features (also classic File Systems) It hides the complexity and the fragmentation of the underlying APIs It reduces the knowledge GAP between Grid developers and Classic developers => Design Patterns) Vs Grid APIs syntaxes
gLite 100% Java Solution GSAF is an Object Oriented Framework –Java 100% - Design Pattern based –Clear design : object modeling / functional modeling –Solves the fragmentation of DMS APIs –Solves the natural (due to OGSA) inconsistence of services –Provides ACID Transactional Model Road Map –RFIO java native implementation –SRM encapsulation –GRelC integration –Secure Storage integration New –LFC API –CNS API AMGA is supported only one super interface for Data Grid Application modular and extensible
11 GRIDICOM Web Access access, browse, search and provision manage the whole archive according to the Grid Security model define metadata (also standard compliant) for different types of collections (records, images, …) manage DICOM remotely (upload, download, deletion. VOMS interaction for X509 user proxy on the fly creation
13 Summary and conclusions Hospitals and medical structures produce a big amount of DICOM images for several kind of clinical exams (such as TAC, MR, PET, SPET, x-ray) PACS are inflexible and they don’t allow to manage in an efficient and secure way the great mass of data stored in their memory. Typically, subsets of digital objects are moved on DVD support and this big and so important health care patrimony is than practically lost. GRIDICOM archive could be a natural caldron of information for several medical applications in both research and diagnosis field.
14 Thank you for the attention! Any questions ?