Federal Service for Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision LEGAL REQUIREMENTS ON EXPLOSION PROTECTED EQUIPMENT FOR THE GAS AND PETROLEUM ACTIVITIES S. Mokrousov
1. Law that control the placing on the market of equipment for explosive environments of oil and gas industry The Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Industrial Facilities” adopted in 1997 No 116 FL Part 7 points 1,2 and 3
2. About compulsory conformity assessment procedures Safety Rules for certification of electrical equipment used in explosive environment RS 03 –
3. The role of national or international standards As there are no mutual acceptance of the standards all equipment should pass the certification procedures according the RS 03 – As there are no mutual acceptance of the standards all equipment should pass the certification procedures according the RS 03 –
4. About the process for legal acceptance of the standards As a rule during the development of national standards the international standards are used, but with corrections due to national specific features supported by technical or economic targets
5. About conducting the conformity assessments and how to accept the abroad done results The specially accredited centers of certification are responsible for assessments and that centers could take participation in testing of equipment and the results of the testing are accepted in making decision to issue a certificate of conformity The specially accredited centers of certification are responsible for assessments and that centers could take participation in testing of equipment and the results of the testing are accepted in making decision to issue a certificate of conformity
6. About conducting the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies The accreditation procedures are ruled by GOST R And according to clause 5 point 2 of Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Industrial Facilities ” the bodies of accreditation (the Rostekh regulirovanie) should approve their decisions by the Rostekhnadzor. Accreditation of foreign assessment bodies is possible on the base of ISO and IEC documents
7 About additional directives There are a list of standards and other regulating document for each specific type of equipment and production
8. About special directives for putting production in operation To use any specific equipment in oil and gas facilities operators must have the Permission of Rostekhnadzor issued for limited time or for the life of the equipment To use any specific equipment in oil and gas facilities operators must have the Permission of Rostekhnadzor issued for limited time or for the life of the equipment
9. About procedures for the market surveillance The market of explosive protected equipment is controlled by state bodies on the stages of production and importing The market of explosive protected equipment is controlled by state bodies on the stages of production and importing
10. The regulations for inspection, maintenance and repair of the equipment Operation, maintenance and repair procedures or equipment is regulated by GOST R GOST R Inspection of the equipment safe operation is conducted by the Rostekhnadzor regional offices. That bodies have right to enforce regulations and apply penalties in case of operators non conformation Inspection of the equipment safe operation is conducted by the Rostekhnadzor regional offices. That bodies have right to enforce regulations and apply penalties in case of operators non conformation
Piper Alpha 6 th July casualtiesUndesired event S1 Leakage of a flammable and / or explosive medium 106 Cullen recommendations
How to get synergetic results ? How to get synergetic results ? The Harmonized requirements of equipment for explosive environments are the components of harmonized requirements of pipeline safety regulation Other components are: PipesJoining Corrosion control Allowable operational pressure, etc
Conclusions We should unite our actions on the base of good regulatory practice We should unite our actions on the base of good regulatory practice to prevent accidents, that involved oil an gas facilities due to unsafe operation of equipment
Federal Service for Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Thank You for attention Thank You for attention