Colledge of InEU Specialty Electrical equipment of power stations and networks (by types)"
Why the specialty "Electric power stations and substations" in demand ? Everyone is need in this profession and you'll be working in this specialty always!
The phone calls and the TV shows, the kettle heats water, they all need energy! But if we don’t have energy, and they do not work. Just imagine how hard it would be and bored: the computers are not working, trolleybuses and the subway are staying, in the fridge is spoiled food, and even the lights on the street went out!
Many businesses in the country, producing light and heat that you need their services, operation, electricity production, equipment repair and of heating systems;
Training industry professionals energy in our College it is not just the social sphere. This is an investment in the future of our region and the country as a whole.
Where can you work? in electric networks of power systems; for high voltage substations; на ремонтных и автомобильных заводах; in the marketing centres for electric and thermal equipment; power utilities, electro - and heat power engineering profile; In the project research institutes.
Who can you work? an electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment as an electrical fitter on repair and maintenance of electrical equipment energy worker
The founders of the theory of electricity James Prescott JouleAndre Mari Amper Allessandro Volta Nikola Tesla James Maxwell
Electrical equipment of power stations and networks Without energy we can not live a single day, Because suddenly surrounded by darkness and emptiness, And only your job The activity of life gives us day by day
Colledge Bachelor Magistratura Stage of education Luseum PhD
Passing scores You’ll succeed! 30 scores 20 scores 11 grade9 grade
The timing of training : On the basis of basic education – 3 years 10 months On the basis of General secondary education - 2 years 10 months 2 years, 10 months Full-time At the correspondence Department
The list of required documents The original document about education Medical serification A copy of the vaccination sheet 6 photos (3*4) A certificate with the results of the UNT, complex testing (optional applicant) A copy of the identity document (identity card, birth certificate). The original presented in person
Accepting applications On the day time form of training from 20 June to 20 August On the correspondence form of training from 20 June to 20 September On the day time form of training from August 1 to August 28 On the correspondence form of training from 1 August to 25 September Entrance exams
Colledge of InEU