FINAL PRESENTATION 25% of Your Total Grade
PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONS Give a short presentation based on one of the main topics from the text (the topics are given on the next page). You should have a simple PPT to go along with your presentation. You may use your phone or INDEX CARDS with bullet points, but avoid reading your presentation.
TOPIC LIST Talk about the good and bad points of: 1. Peer groups (2.5 ~ 3.5 minutes) 2. Gender neutral socialization (2.5 ~ 3.5 minutes) 3. Social media (3 ~ 4 minutes) 4. Imprisonment of criminals (2 ~ 3 minutes) You may choose any ONE of the following topics for your presentation. Note that the time ranges for each topic are different.
PRESENTATION FORMAT Your presentation should include: 1. Short Introduction 2. Body 3. Short Conclusion
THE INTRODUCTION 1. Introduce the main points that you will cover in the body section 2. Use words like “first, second, third, next, finally, etc.” to separate your main points. For example, “First, I am going to talk about ______. Next, I am going to tell you ______. Finally, I want to talk about ________.” 3. Transition to the body eg) Now let’s look at these points in more detail.
THE BODY 1. The main part of your speech is in the body. This is where you give the details. 2. Explain the main points from the introduction, but with details! 3. Make sure you give details about everything you outlined in the introduction. 4. Do not talk about anything that you didn’t mention in the introduction.
THE CONCLUSION 1. Clearly transition to the conclusion eg) “In conclusion, …” or “To conclude, …” 2. Give a brief summary of the main points in the body. The conclusion should reinforce the message of your presentation.
GRADING You will be graded on the following: 1. Format: 15% 2. Content: 50% 3. Preparation & Delivery: 15% 4. Timing: 15% 5. Written Submission: 5%
GRADING – FORMAT 15% You MUST FOLLOW THE FORMAT You should have three clear parts to your speech: 1. Introduction 2. Body 3. Conclusion There should be obvious transitions between the parts
GRADING – CONTENT 50% Is your presentation about one of the topics from the list? Is the content well organized, and easy to follow? Does your presentation have correct, interesting, and useful information? Does your presentation use language and vocabulary from the textbook? Was your presentation in your own words – not copied from another source?
GRADING – PREPARATION & DELIVERY 15% Can I easily hear your presentation? Does your presentation have a good flow, without a lot of long silences? Have you practiced your presentation, so you are not reading it?
GRADING - TIMING 15% Is your presentation exactly within the specified time limit? (Hint: you can set a stopwatch timer during the presentation to help you keep time)
GRADING – WRITTEN SUBMISSION 5% You must hand in a written copy of your presentation. Make sure it is typed and printed on A4 paper.
TIPS FOR A GOOD PRESENTATION Do not copy from English websites. Use your own words. Practice your speech until you are comfortable with it and you know exactly how long it is Speak at a natural speed – not too fast, not too slow Try to relax. It’s normal to feel nervous. Don’t worry, be happy!