Public sharing : Embrace Diversity! 13 July 2009 thanks to TEFO, CCCD, Lingnan University, Theatre Noir (Hong Kong) Young Creative Voices (Macau) Living Knowledges Communities (Sichuan) Connections through Culture (British Council) Dan Baron Cohen Institute of Transformance Marjan Prevodnik
Embrace Diversity transformance workshop organized by TEFO building a stage of dialogue and human rights
Embrace Diversity transformance workshop organized by TEFO : feet as puppets
Embrace Diversity transformance workshop organized by TEFO : selecting difference
Embrace Diversity transformance workshop organized by TEFO : storytelling through intimate landscapes, intimate objects
Embrace diversity organized by TEFO : storytelling through intimate objects seeing oneself through others
Embrace diversity organized by TEFO : dance of solidarity
Embrace Diversity transformance workshop organized by TEFO : solidarity in performance
Lingnan University Masters transformance workshop : Seeing oneself through others, and collective sculpture
Lingnan University Masters transformance workshop : dance of solidarity
Macau Young Creative Voices decolonization transformance workshop : sensitization to historical space
Living Knowledges Communities transformance workshop visit to Sichuan survivors’ camp
Living Knowledges Communities transformance workshop : creating a stage of human rights and dance of tife
Lingnan University Masters transformance workshop : dialogic masks
Lingnan University Masters transformance workshop : personal reflection
Lingnan University Masters transformance workshop : collective performance-installation
Lingnan University Masters transformance workshop : final reflections and performance literacy
Federal University of Para (Brazil) Teachers Training collective performance-installation
Military Police Transformance workshop (Brazil)
Viva a Diversidade Viva! Embracing the Arts of Transformation! VII World Congress of IDEA July 3-11, IDEA 2010 Belém, Pará, Brazil Towards an arts-based eco-pedagogy for the 21 st century Past Congresses Portugal, 1992 Australia, 1995 Kenya, 1998 Norway, 2001 Canada, 2004 Hong Kong, 2007
World Alliance for Arts Education International Association of Drama/Theatre and Education International Society for Education through Art International Society for Musical Education World Dance Alliance The need for global change…
S. Korea Peru Together, we will advocate new and appropriate paradigms of education which both transmit and transform culture through the humanizing languages of the arts, and which are founded on principles of cooperation, not competition. Extract The Joint Declaration of the WAAE Viseu, Portugal 2006 Brazil Alternative pedagogic models now exist to meet the needs of the 21 st Century