24.3 The Jimmy Carter YearsThe Jimmy Carter Years
JIMMY CARTER ENTERS THE WHITE HOUSEJIMMY CARTER ENTERS THE WHITE HOUSE Elected in 1976 Peanut farmer, naval officer, former governor of Georgia Peanut farmer, naval officer, former governor of Georgia Brought down-to-earth style to Washington Refused to play the “insider” games of compromise and deal making Refused to play the “insider” games of compromise and deal making – Caused many Democrats to join Republicans in opposition of his proposals
INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTSINTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS Carter sought to use moral principles as a guide for U.S. foreign policy Carter sought to use moral principles as a guide for U.S. foreign policy Committed to promoting the liberties guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights to the whole world – Cut off aid to Argentina and Brazil (despite good relations) because they abused their citizens – Supported dictators in South Korea and the Philippines – Many accused him of being inconsistent
COLLAPSE OF DÉTENTECOLLAPSE OF DÉTENTE Nixon and Ford had worked to improve the relationship between the U.S. and the Soviet Union (Think SALT I treaty: limited intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarines) When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, Carter refused to fight for SALT II (limits on arms production) When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, Carter refused to fight for SALT II (limits on arms production) – Tensions increased between the nations
YOM KIPPUR WAR-1973YOM KIPPUR WAR-1973 Fought between Egypt and Israel over territorial claims U.S. aided Israel Resulted in OPEC embargo, which led to an energy crisis
CAMP DAVID ACCORDSCAMP DAVID ACCORDS Egyptian president Anwar el-Sadat met with Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin at Camp David Egyptian president Anwar el-Sadat met with Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin at Camp David (presidential retreat in Maryland) Carter spent 13 days negotiating a peace between the two nations Carter’s greatest diplomatic triumph Carter’s greatest diplomatic triumph
TROUBLE IN IRANTROUBLE IN IRAN U.S. government provided support to the Shah of Iran since the 1950s. January 1979-Muslim religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini led a rebellion against the Shah January 1979-Muslim religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini led a rebellion against the Shah Established a religious state based on the Qur’an Carter supported the Shah until the end, allowed him to enter the U.S. for cancer treatment Carter supported the Shah until the end, allowed him to enter the U.S. for cancer treatment
THE IRAN HOSTAGE CRISISTHE IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS November 4, 1979-angry students seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 52 Americans hostage November 4, 1979-angry students seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 52 Americans hostage – Demanded the Shah be returned to Iran – Carter refused Carter cut off all trade with Iran, but the hostages were not released until January 20, 1981 Outcomes: Outcomes: – Showed the limits of the U.S.’s power and environmental resources