Question 1 What did the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan lead to? U.S. boycott of 1980 Olympics in Moscow
Question 2 What did Ronald Reagan do to spur economic growth? Relaxed regulations on businesses
Question 3 What president integrated the military? Truman
Question 4 What did Southern democrats do in response to Truman integrating the military? Defected and started the Dixie Crats or state rights party
Question 5 What group of people did John T. Scopes upset when he taught evolution? Fundamentalists
Question 6 What ended the Cuban Missile Crisis? Soviets removed their missiles from Cuba
Question 7 Who did the Embargo of 1807 hurt? American merchants and seaman
Question 8 Why was the Embargo Act of 1807 passed? Wanted Britain to stop the impressment of U.S. sailors
Question 9 What does the Graying of America mean? Elder care for Americans
Question 10 Who was Langston Hughes? Writer during the Harlem Renaissance
Question 11 What did the Kansas- Nebraska Act allow? Allowed popular sovereignty for the people to decide if slavery would be in a territory, led to fighting in the territory
Question 12 Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1866 passed? Counter black codes in the South
Question 13 What president is associated with the Peace Corps? John Kennedy
Question 14 What does Title IX require? Equal funding for male and female sports
Question 15 What did the bombings in Cambodia lead to in America during the Vietnam War? More protests
Question 16 What was the ruling in Bakke v CA? Could not use racial quotas
Question 17 What helped the farmers in the West sell beef? Refrigerated rail cars
Question 18 What was one belief during the Second Great Awakening? Morality of slavery is wrong
Question 19 What did political machines want in exchange for raising the standard of living? Votes
Question 20 How did OPEC cause an energy crisis in the 1970s? Placed an oil embargo on countries that supported Israel
Question 21 What decade had inflation and stagflation? 1970s
Question 22 What kept Cuba tied to the U.S. after the Spanish American War? Platt Amendment
Question 23 What did Daniel Webster and Robert Kayne debate before the Civil War? State’s Rights
Question 24 What established Lincoln as a strong Republican candidate? Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Question 25 Who did the Homestead Act benefit? Farmers
Question 26 What did immigration in the late 1800s produce for the U.S.? Cheap Labor
Question 27 Why did workers join unions in the late 1800s? Better working conditions & better pay
Question 28 Why did the U.S. government support a Panamian Revolt against Columbia? U.S. wanted to build a canal
Question 29 What was one thing W.E.B. Du Bois wanted? Immediate end to segregation
Question 30 What did the G.I. Bill do? Help pay for college, low interest loans for homes, and loans to start businesses
Question 31 Why were the South Vietnamese refugees fleeing the country? To get away from Communism
Question 32 What was the purpose of the Alliance for Progress? Set of cooperation projects with Latin American Countries so they will not fall to Communism
Question 33 Why was affirmative action used? To make a more diverse workplace
Question 34 Why was the U.S. in Vietnam? Containment
Question 35 What is Henry Ford famous for? The moving assembly line
Question 36 How did the Watergate affect the executive office? Weakened executive privilege
Question 37 What helps people transform through the light? Transcendentalism
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