Topic: Cold War Conflicts Essential Question: Why didn’t the Cold War cause World War III?


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Presentation transcript:

Topic: Cold War Conflicts Essential Question: Why didn’t the Cold War cause World War III?

 Chinese Revolution  Communists vs. Nationalists  Communist leader: Mao Tse-tung (Zedong)

 Communists vs. Nationalists  Communist leader: Mao Tse-tung (Zedong)  Communists defeated Nationalists (1949)  People’s Republic of China

 Communists defeated Nationalists (1949)  People’s Republic of China  Nationalists fled to Taiwan  Mao was dictator until his death (1976)

 Nationalists fled to Taiwan  Mao was dictator until his death (1976)  United Nations Security Council  5 Permanent members  United States, Britain, France, Soviet Union, China 10 current non-permanent: Angola Chad Chile Jordan Lithuania Malaysia New Zealand Nigeria Spain Venezuela

 5 Permanent members  United States, Britain, France, Soviet Union, China  Veto Powers

 United States, Britain, France, Soviet Union, China  Veto Powers  Korea  Divided at the 38 th parallel  North Korea = communist  South Korea = capitalist

 North Korea = communist  South Korea = capitalist  Korean War ( )  North Korea invaded South Korea  The UN (United Nations) declared a Police Action

 North Korea invaded South Korea  The UN (United Nations) declared a Police Action  The US led UN forces  Motivated by containment and the domino theory

 The US led UN forces  Motivated by containment and the domino theory  Commander of UN forces  MacArthur

 Commander of UN forces  MacArthur  China entered the war and helped North Korea  MacArthur wanted to use atomic bombs

 China entered the war and helped North Korea  MacArthur wanted to use atomic bombs  Truman refused his request  MacArthur publicly criticized Truman  Truman fired MacArthur Matthew Ridgway

 MacArthur publicly criticized Truman  Truman fired MacArthur  Eisenhower was elected President in 1952  Negotiated a peace settlement

 Eisenhower was elected President in 1952  Negotiated a peace settlement  Border almost identical to before the war (38 th parallel) South Korea – North Korea

 Negotiated a peace settlement  Border almost identical to before the war (38 th parallel) Korean War Map ( )

 Discuss  Chinese Revolution  UN Security Council  Korean War  Write a sentence explaining how the Korean War ended.  Negotiated a peace settlement  Border almost identical to before the war (38 th parallel)

 Negotiated a peace settlement  Border almost identical to before the war (38 th parallel)  Berlin Wall  Built in 1961 by the Soviets

 Berlin Wall  Built in 1961 by the Soviets  Separated capitalist West Berlin from communist East Germany  Symbol of the divide between East (communist) and West (capitalist) in the Cold War “Death Strip”

 Separated capitalist West Berlin from communist East Germany  Symbol of the divide between East (communist) and West (capitalist) in the Cold War  Cuba  Fidel Castro

 Cuba  Fidel Castro  Took control of Cuba in 1959  Established a communist government  Seized American-owned property and businesses in Cuba

 Established a communist government  Seized American-owned property and businesses in Cuba  Dictator until 2008

 Seized American-owned property and businesses in Cuba  Dictator until 2008  U.S. trade embargo against Cuba began in 1960

 Dictator until 2008  U.S. trade embargo against Cuba began in 1960  Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)  Failed attempt to overthrow Castro’s communist regime

 Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)  Failed attempt to overthrow Castro’s communist regime  Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962)  Photographs from American U-2 spy planes showed Soviet nuclear missiles being installed in Cuba  90 miles from Florida

 Photographs from American U-2 spy planes showed Soviet nuclear missiles being installed in Cuba  90 miles from Florida  Kennedy’s reaction:  Naval blockade  Secret negotiations with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev

 Naval blockade  Secret negotiations with Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev  End to the crisis:  Soviets agreed to pull missiles out of Cuba  US agreed not to invade Cuba and to pull missiles out of Turkey  Prevented World War III

 US agreed not to invade Cuba and to pull missiles out of Turkey  Prevented World War III  Many Cuban immigrants in the US (mostly Florida)

 Discuss  Berlin Wall  Fidel Castro  Bay of Pigs  Cuban Missile Crisis  Write a sentence explaining why the Cuban Missile Crisis is important.  Prevented World War III  Many Cuban immigrants in the US (mostly Florida)

 Prevented World War III  Many Cuban immigrants in the US (mostly Florida)  Vietnam War ( )

 North Vietnam = communist  Led by Ho Chi Minh  South Vietnam = capitalist Ngo Dinh Diem

 Led by Ho Chi Minh  South Vietnam = capitalist  US supported South Vietnam because of Containment and the Domino Theory

 South Vietnam = capitalist  US supported South Vietnam because of Containment and the Domino Theory  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) gave President Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) authority to send troops

 US supported South Vietnam because of Containment and the Domino Theory  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) gave President Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) authority to send troops  Communists used guerilla warfare

 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) gave President Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) authority to send troops  Communists used guerilla warfare  Americans were young and inexperienced

 Communists used guerilla warfare  Americans were young and inexperienced  Tet Offensive (1968)  Surprise attack by the communists during the New Year celebration

 Tet Offensive (1968)  Surprise attack by the communists during the New Year celebration  Communists proved that US was not winning the war  Americans began to mistrust the government’s claims about the war

 Communists proved that US was not winning the war  Americans began to mistrust the government’s claims about the war  Home Front  Television helped turn public opinion against the war Walter Cronkite “If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost the war.”

 Home Front  Television helped turn public opinion against the war  Many protested the war and the draft

 Television helped turn public opinion against the war  Many protested the war and the draft  Kent State University (1970)  4 students were killed during a protest

 Kent State University (1970)  4 students were killed during a protest  26 th Amendment  Voting age changed from 21 to 18

 26 th Amendment  Voting age changed from 21 to 18  Paris Peace Accords (1973)  The US agreed to withdraw all troops from Vietnam

 Paris Peace Accords (1973)  The US agreed to withdraw all troops from Vietnam  In 1975 North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam  All of Vietnam became a single, communist nation Ho Chi Minh died in 1969 Ton Duc Thang

 In 1975 North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam  All of Vietnam became a single, communist nation  Many Vietnamese fled the country and came to the US Tet Celebration in Orange County, CA

 All of Vietnam became a single, communist nation  Many Vietnamese fled the country and came to the US  President Bill Clinton normalized US relations with Vietnam in 1995

 Discuss  North Vietnam  South Vietnam  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution  Tet Offensive  Home Front  Paris Peace Accords  Write a sentence explaining how the Vietnam War ended.  Many Vietnamese fled the country and came to the US  President Bill Clinton normalized US relations with Vietnam in 1995

 Many Vietnamese fled the country and came to the US  President Bill Clinton normalized US relations with Vietnam in 1995  The Cold War Ends  Ronald Reagan

 The Cold War Ends  Ronald Reagan

 The Cold War Ends  Ronald Reagan  Supervised the most expensive arms buildup in history ($2 trillion)

 Ronald Reagan  Supervised the most expensive arms buildup in history ($2 trillion)  The Soviet economy was unable to keep up with Reagan’s arms race

 Supervised the most expensive arms buildup in history ($2 trillion)  The Soviet economy was unable to keep up with Reagan’s arms race  Speech in Berlin (1987)  “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

 Speech in Berlin (1987)  “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”  Mikhail Gorbachev

 “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”  Mikhail Gorbachev  Last leader of the Soviet Union ( )

 Mikhail Gorbachev  Last leader of the Soviet Union ( )  Glasnost and Perestroika  Reforms that brought about the [unintended] fall of communism and the end to the Cold War

 Glasnost and Perestroika  Reforms that brought about the [unintended] fall of communism and the end to the Cold War  Berlin Wall

 Reforms that brought about the [unintended] fall of communism and the end to the Cold War  Berlin Wall  Anti-communist protests in October 1989 in East Germany

 Berlin Wall  Anti-communist protests in October 1989 in East Germany  Wall opened and dismantling began on November 9

 Anti-communist protests in October 1989 in East Germany  Wall opened and dismantling began on November 9  Symbolic end to the Cold War

 Wall opened and dismantling began on November 9  Symbolic end to the Cold War  Germany reunified into a single nation in October 1990 Helmut Kohl

 Symbolic end to the Cold War  Germany reunified into a single nation in October 1990  Fall of the Soviet Union (1991)

 Germany reunified into a single nation in October 1990  Fall of the Soviet Union (1991)  Broken up into 15 independent nations

 Fall of the Soviet Union (1991)  Broken up into 15 independent nations  Official end of the Cold War

 Discuss  Ronald Reagan  Mikhail Gorbachev  Fall of the Berlin Wall  Fall of the Soviet Union  Write a sentence explaining how Reagan and Gorbachev helped end the Cold War.  Broken up into 15 independent nations  Official end of the Cold War