Course Outline Visual Arts Mr. Léger D-210
Welcome to my Class! Mr. Léger Intern Teacher Miss Miller from UNB My family Art teacher and artist
Visual Arts 70% Projects: drawing, painting, studio work, Art history, Art criticism 20% Final Exam 10% Class Mark
Assignments The majority of projects are marked and count towards the final mark A reduced mark is given for projects that are over one week late. Keep track of all your assignments in your agenda Keep your handouts and notes on projects
Fire Drill Procedure Leaving the classroom Exit the school: out D-wing Where to meet? Come back to class after the drill
Information Sheet Due back as soon as possible Have parents read the form and sign Expect markbook updates
Signing in and out at the office Must be done!!!! Late in the am., you must go to the office You must let your homeroom teacher know if you sign out during the day Always bring a note from parent / guardian for any absence Failure to do this means a lost exemption
Perfume It’s easy, no perfume or any scented product is allowed!! Some people have serious chemical sensitivities
Washroom Breaks Before school begins During 5 minute break If you must go during class time, you MUST have your AGENDA SIGNED by your teacher or supply
Exemption policy Exemption policy –Go over it with your parents –Make sure you understand how it works so there is no surprises at the end –85% (up to 12 excused absences) –75% (up to 4 excuses absences) –Three tardies equals one absence –No suspension Must have a 75% class mark in my class to be exempt
Class Mark How can I achieve a high class mark?
In the Classroom No musical devices or electronic gadgets No cell phones No food Bring water / no problem
Appropriate language / manners No swearing Respect Treat others how you’d like to be treated Think about others / you’re not the center of the universe
Garbage Pick up after yourself Leave classroom looking neat. Cleaning the desk is your responsibility Check around you and pick up stuff. If everybody picks up one thing, the floor will be clean for the next class.
If you are detained by your teacher Ask your teacher to write you a note in agenda Bring this note to your class to avoid a detention
Bell Rings Be in your seat Have your work out on your desk if working on a previous assignment Ready to go!
Minor or moderate problems Assignments not completed: after a markbook sheet is given you will see the marks are 0%. If you receive a failing grade: In school suspension to complete unfinished projects.
Pre-requisites Students must pass Visual Arts 10 Then choose Fine Arts 110, Graphic A & D 110, Visual Arts 110, Native Arts 110. Graphic A & D 110 pre req. for Graphic A & D 120 Visual Arts 110 pre req. for Visual Arts 120
Materials Binder to keep handouts and small projects Pencils: HB and 2B – 4B White eraser, gum eraser Sketchbook Optional materials: glue stick, scissors, small plastic ruler
Motivation Motivation will almost always beat mere talent anonymous