Everything you always wanted to know about Sra. Christopher’s class……. Okay, so not everything…..
What’s the deal with homework? You’ll probably have some type of homework most nights. Sometimes it will be collected and graded; other times it won’t. The main purpose of homework in this class is for practice.
Is she crazy? Homework every night? Just like with sports or instruments that you play, you get better at a language by practicing it. The more effort you put into your practice, the more it will help you learn. Since homework is for practice and getting better, it does not count for points!
No points…..why bother? Because you won’t get better unless you practice. Because if you don’t do the practice, you won’t do well on the assessments (quizzes/performances). They do count for points. Because if you have a pattern of not doing homework……I have to call your parent(s).
Okay, so what about participation? I see participation as practice, also. I expect everyone to put forth their best effort and participate on a consistent basis. Participation looks different for different people— that is okay. Since it is practice, participation does not count for points.
So what does count for points? Assessments (quizzes and performances) count for points.
Is that all? Yep, pretty much. I believe in evaluating you after you have had the chance to do the learning, not while you’re still in the process of learning.
So then what makes up my grade? Your grade will consist of the following categories of communication: Interpretive mode (listening and reading)—25% Interpersonal mode (person to person)—25% Presentational mode (speaking and writing)—25% Language control and usage (grammar/vocab)—20%
Wait….that’s only 95%. What about the other 5%? The other 5% will be a process category. This will include things like including all components on projects, completing rough drafts, demonstrating cultural understanding, etc. Since these are not language skills, their percentage in the grade is lower.
So what are your classroom rules? Be prepared—bring your materials every day. Be on time—be in the room by the time the bell rings. Be kind and respectful—treat others and their property how you would like to be treated. Be responsible—ask for help, turn in your work, find out what you miss when not in class. Have a good attitude—adopt an “I can…” perspective.
What materials do I need? Some way to keep track of your papers—folder, binder, expandable folder—you decide! Your Spanish book A comp book or notebook A writing utensil and paper (ALWAYS!!!) Work due
How can I contact you? The best way is . I check it several times throughout the day. If you me after school hours, I may not read it until the next day. My classroom is Rm Try there. My phone number is I usually check voice mail right after school.
How can I found out the homework? I post the homework on my website. Try there. Be sure to click on the assignment button for the correct grade level. I post the homework on the board. Try there. Phone a friend who’s in class with you.
Anything else???? Yes…behave yourself when there is a sub. They are guest teachers in our school. They have a difficult job to do. Most of our subs do not speak a foreign language. Anyone who gets their name written down by a sub for a negative behavior will get an after- school detention. This is automatic!
What is Sra.’s favorite number? Why 15, of course……. That’s why I made this slide….. It also just happens to be my birthday….. ¡EL FIN!