2/28/11 This presentation has not been reviewed or approved by the Commission and may not reflect its views.
Old-Fashioned Approach Face-to-face Posters Flyers Traditional Media
“The New Way” Approach Rapid response, with easily accessible, useful safety information Mainstream Media– Print, wires, broadcast, online Social Media – Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube Minority Outreach – Events, networking Neighborhood Safety Network – Online network Websites - SaferProducts.gov, PoolSafely.gov, Campaigns Hotline – Bilingual operators
Goal 5 : Raising Awareness - Promote a public understanding of product risks and CPSC’s capabilities. Ensure that the public knows: Where to turn for information on consumer product safety, Where to report hazardous incidents, and How enforcement capabilities are used to address product dangers.
How CPSC raises awareness: toys with powerful magnets How parents of victims raise awareness: Nancy Baker and pool safety How the media raises awareness: crib dangers How social media raises awareness: Pampers
Recall Round-Up
Audiences: Hispanics, African-Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Asian and Pacific Islanders Key Messages: Safe Sleep TV & Furniture Tipovers Drowning Prevention Poison Prevention
By 2050, the population of the United States is forecast to reach 438 million with non-native English-speaking immigrants accounting for the majority of growth. Hispanics are the largest minority population in the United States: 45 million. More than 70 percent of Hispanics are Spanish-dominant or bilingual.
City Tours – Focused Cultural Events Campaigns Satellite Media Tours Neighborhood Safety Network Partnerships Spanish Translations – Releases, recalls, handbooks
Janiyah Powe-Santiago 2-year-old victim
Anecdotal evidence A simple compelling message Powerful demonstration Appealing to reason and emotions
DISSEMINATION Texting Pilot Program Morning Shows (nearly 1 million viewers) Neighborhood Safety Network Partnerships: Central Valley Clinics-California Associations of Second-Hand Stores Gouverneur Healthcare Services-New York
TEXTING 30-day pilot program 650 requests for Spanish PSA and 52 for English (more than monthly calls to hotline). About 80 percent of requests submitted day of interviews with morning show and syndicated radio program. Majority of transactions :Texas, New York City, Washington state, and inland California.
Communication Strategy An informed consumer is an empowered consumer Calling for consumers to connect with CPSC Calling for manufacturers to connect with CPSC