Cherenkov light imaging in particle and nuclear physics experiments [Toru Iijima (Nagoya), Blair Ratcliff (SLAC)] Cherenkov detectors in astroparticle physics [Gregory Hallewell (Marseille), Werner Hofmann (Heidelberg)] Novel Cherenkov imaging techniques for future experiments [Peter Krizan (Ljubljana), Jacques Seguinot (Paris)] Photon detection techniques for Cherenkov counters [Antonello Di Mauro (CERN), Christian Joram (CERN)] Technological aspects of Cherenkov detectors [Silvia Dalla Torre (Trieste), Eugenio Nappi (Bari)] Pattern recognition and data analysis [Jurgen Engelfried (San Luis Potosi), Roger Forty (CERN)] Alternative PID techniques [Takayuki Sumiyoshi (Tokyo Metropolitan), Jerry Va'vra (SLAC)] SESSIONS
Review talks Cherenkov light imaging in High Energy and Nuclear Physics Jochen Schwiening (GSI, Germany) Cherenkov light imaging in Astroparticle Physics Razmik Mirzoyan (MPI, Germany) Use of RICH detectors for physics Sheldon Stone (Syracuse, USA) Optical components for Cherenkov light imaging devices Jerry Va'vra (SLAC, USA) Status and perspectives of vacuum-based photon detectors Oswald Siegmund (Berkeley, USA) Status and perspectives of solid state photon detectors Gianmaria Collazuol (Padova, Italy) Status and perspectives of gaseous photon detectors Antonello Di Mauro (CERN, Switzerland) Other PID techniques Neville Harnew (Oxford, UK) Summary talk Keynote talks Masatoshi Koshiba (Univ. of Tokyo) Youichiro Suzuki (ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo) Special talk Yuji Yoshizawa (Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.)
8 invited x 40’ + 40 contr. talks x25’ = 1320’ = 22 hours alternatively 8x40’ + 50 x 20’