Multisource Non- Destructive Testing of Composites Tomasz Chady Krzysztof Gorący and Justyna Sikora West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering POLAND
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 2 Categories of composites’ defects: Technological defects Defects of the mould, Defects of the gel coat, Defects of the polymer matrix, Defects of the reinforcement, Structural defects, … Defects related to the exploatation Delaminations, Humidity penetration, Cracks, Defects caused by impacts, … Defects of Composites
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 3 Methods of composites inspection: Ultrasound Technique, Thermography, Air Coupled Ultrasonic Testing, Capacitive Imaging Technique, THz Inspection, Shearography, Microwave Testing, Low energy digital and computer radiography, ….. Intelligent Structures – SHM Inspection of Composites
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 4 Micro wave Milimeter wave T-RayUVX-RayInfrared g -RayFIR 10 GHz100 GHz1 THz10 THz100 THz1 PHz10 PHz100 PHz 30 mm3 mm300 m m30 m m3 m m300 nm30 nm3nm ElectronicsPhotonics Mobile Phone Communication Microwave Oven Satelite Communication Optical Communication Phtovoltaic Generation Roentgen Electromagnetic waves Hz10 11 Hz10 12 Hz10 13 Hz10 14 Hz10 15 Hz10 16 Hz10 17 Hz
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 5 Thermography I Inspection of Composites Thermography II Computer Radiography THz Imaging
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 6 Computer Radiography System consists of: Xray source CP 120 (U max =120kV, I max =1.5mA), Imaging plates scanner DR6000 with resolution 50µm, The sample is in a distance of 0.7m from the source. Computer Radiography System
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 7 THz TDS imaging system Transmitter head Receiver head Positioning device Evaluated material THz spectroscope
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 8 Optical fiber Ultra fast laser Laser beam THz transmitter (PCA) THz receiver (PCA) Optical beam splitter THz beam Multi layered structure with defect DC bias Output current Scanning optical delay line THz TDS imaging system
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 9 PCA Measuring head - PCA with THz optical system - HDPA lens (Picometrix, USA) Photo Conductive Antenna - silicone hemispherical lens (Picometrix, USA) THz TDS imaging system
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 10 Thermography system Thermography I Thermography II 2 halogen lamps (1kW) Infrared camera FLIR A325 DC Power supply 10A Fan
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 11 Composite samples Poliester resin: CRYSTIC2-420 PA (Scott Bader) + LUPEROX K1G 6 layers of basalt mate 200g/m², thickness 6 mm, 6 layers of glass fiber mate 900g/m², thickness 6 mm, 6 layers of yuca mate 300g/m², thickness 6 mm, Resistance wire JLC Electromet, Cu Ni 44, ϕ 0.26 mm, resistance: 9.4 Ω/m 6 mm 180 mm 5,10,15 mm Φ 5mm Φ 4mm Φ 3mm Φ 2mm Φ 1mm
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 12 Composite samples
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 13 Inspection of basalt fiber reinforced composites Basalt Fiber Reinforced Composites
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 14 Glass fiber composite - sample S05_5 Results of glass fiber composite evaluation Photo of the sampleInfrared photo of the sample ( λ > 720nm) Xray image (Imaging plate FUJI UR-1, Exposition parameters: U = 40kV, I = 1mA, t = 20s)
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 15 Thermography:heating phase cooling phase Halogen lamp (t=15s) Halogen lamp (t 1 =15s) + fan (t 2 =30s) Halogen lamp (t 1 =15s), fan (t 2 =15s) Thermography I of glass fiber composite
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 16 Thermography:heating phase cooling phase Resistance heating (t=15s) Resistance heating (t 1 =15s) + fan (t 2 =30s) Resistance heating (t 1 =15s), fan (t 2 =15s) Thermography II of glass fiber composite
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 17 THz pulse hitting dielectric material with AGR FSR BSR EXEX position z [cells] FSR – Front Surface Reflection BSR – Back Surface Reflection AGR – Air Gap Reflection TIR – Teflon Inclusion Reflection TIR FSR BSR EXEX position z [cells] air gap teflon inclusion THz TDS imaging system
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 18 Inspection of composite anticorrosion coatings (MaxPos,MaxVal) (MinPos,MinVal) (MaxPos,MaxVal) (MinPos,MinVal) steel plate reflection surface reflection Waveform features
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 19 THz Inspection of composite Result THz inspection Special points detection Trend elimination Trend calculation
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 20 THz Inspection of composite B-scan (x) B-scan (y)
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 21 THz Inspection of composite – C scan
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 22 Sample range: THz Inspection of composite MINMAXMIN_MAXENERGY Sample range: Sample range: (MaxPos,MaxVal) (MinPos,MinVal) (MaxPos,MaxVal) (MinPos,MinVal)
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 23 Multisource Inspection of Composite
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 24 Inspection of composite anticorrosion coatings Protective anticorrosion coating Terahertz inspection results (B-scans) of non-defected and defected area
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 25 Inspection of composite anticorrosion coatings MinVal – surface reflection Defect detection results bottom side top side MinVal – surface reflection MaxPos – steel plate reflection Detected defect
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 26 Induction heating Thermography I of glass fiber composite THz Halogen lamp
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 27 Thank you
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 28 Hotel Verde Montana
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 29 XVIII International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Symposium on Electromagnetic Evaluation of Materials SEEM’15 POLAND, Kołobrzeg, 7–10 June, Topics of the Symposium Electromagnetic fields Circuit and system theory Signal processing and identification Theoretical concepts Nondestructive testing and evaluation using electromagnetic methods (SEEM’15)
FENDT’ 2014, Chengdu, CHINA 30 XVIII International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering