Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Independent Advisory panel – 10 th April 2014 Dr James West – Executive Director
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Agenda 0930Arrival 1000Introductions 1010Objectives and Terms of Reference – JW 1030Research Councils Update – AW/JS 1045Briefing on the goals and outcomes of SEPnet Phase 1 – JW/CH/VB 1130Briefing on the goals and milestones for SEPnet Phase 2 - JW 1200Lunch 1300 SEPnet Phase 2 GRADnet – PMcD/PD Table discussions 1400Employer Engagement - VB 1420Outreach and Public Engagement - CH 1440Diversity - AMcD 1500Impact – A McD 1520Roundtable Discussions 1530Refreshments 1600 Private Panel discussion 1630Panel feedback 1700Finish
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Independent Advisory Panel Membership (a pool structure) – Scientists – Employers – Professional bodies – Employee bodies – Other regional networks – Other stakeholders Meet 1/year and as necessary
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Membership Ken Peach agreed to be interim Chair Ken Neville Oxford Yvonne Adrian John Avril Steve Dolores Alan ES Juliet Energy Peter Malcolm Jennifer Jessica Lampton School Alison Janet
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Role of the IAP provide strategic advice to the Independent Chair, the SEPnet Steering Board, Collaboration Board and the SEPnet Staff; The Panel has no decision making authority. provide oversight and scrutiny of the SEPnet Phase 2 activities in the network, to facilitate collaboration in areas of research and training that address national priorities, interdisciplinary research, employer engagement, Physics and STEM outreach, diversity and to identify potential areas of investment; help facilitate the development of a world class graduate training programme within the network that is an exemplar within the UK; review key activities and provide independent feedback for the consumption of the SEPnet Collaboration Board and Steering Board; Act as a “critical friend” to the network Action: Agree Terms of reference
Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Phase One
Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Background (circa 2007): – Long term decline in Physics UGs and financial weakness in Physics departments in SE England – Physics was vulnerable – Closure of Physics at Reading generated panic in others in a similar state Response: £12.5M from HEFCE to fund collective action to form a network of 6 physics departments in the SE to support the discipline regionally Focus: – Outreach: to boost demand and eligibility for UG Physics places – Employability: internship programme to address careers for Physics graduates – New Bologna compliant PGT offering (“Euromasters”) – Research: to underpin teaching and facilitate collaboration
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Outcomes of SEPnet Whole greater than the sum of the parts in Outreach and employer engagement 115% growth in UG population (2013 vs 2007) and 125% growth in applications (2013 vs 2008) New physics UG provision at Portsmouth and elsewhere Strong demand from employers and students for internships Increased research grant income and outputs Euromasters demand and enrolment disappointing
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Financial Data
Working together to promote excellence in Physics How the money was spent
Working together to promote excellence in Physics How the money was spent
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Undergraduate Trends
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Undergraduate trends – Applications (UCAS) 125% growth since % nationally 2008 first year of 5 institution Choices in UCAS
Working together to promote excellence in Physics UG Trends – Enrolled per year (source: HESA) 89% growth since % nationally Increase to 2013: 115%
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Widening Participation
Working together to promote excellence in Physics WP Profile First year UG Population Source: “Physics Students in UK Higher Education Institutions”, Institute of Physics March How do SEPnet Physics UG population compare?
Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet WP Source: HESA All Physics and Astronomy (all years) 2007/82008/92009/102010/112011/122012/132009/10 SEPnet National Gender (Women) 21%20%21%23%22%21% BME 14%16%17%19%18% 11% Non- Managerial/Professi onal 40%38%40% 41% 36%
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Issues Demonstrating causal link between SEPnet and UG growth – Underlying national growth – Institutional rankings Departments close to or at capacity now – Future growth needs capital – Student staff ratios could impact teaching quality Student diversity – Could diversity efforts result in loss of “core business” – Hit capacity limits to attract more diverse students
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Outreach
Working together to promote excellence in Physics What we have been doing… Aim: Increase the pool of young people interested in and qualified to pursue physics at degree level. Key Audiences: - GCSE The SEPnet GCSE Programme - A-LevelRecruitment messages - Work with a significant proportion of schools in the South East - Support schools without physics specialist teachers - Provide a knowledge base for partner departments about schools and school education - Raise the profile of the partner departments
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Achievements
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Achievements Contact Group Schools Unknown Teachers Unknown Students ,362 26,000 (approx) Unknown General public 48,206 inc festivals (approx.) 147,952 inc festivals (approx) 53,076 +festivals 12,776Unknown Total number of contacts: Approx. 88,797 Approx. 196,511 Approx. 235,977 Approx. 39,000Approx. 18,000
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Achievements Contact Group KS5 Post , KS4 GCSE ,53211, KS3 Early secondary , KS1 and 2, and unidentified
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Employer Engagement
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Employer Engagement Aims Increase awareness of the links between Universities and businesses Survey and assess current trends and requirements of employers, especially SMEs Produce qualified employable graduates with the knowledge and skills required to meet industry needs Achieved Summer internship programme, placing over 165 undergraduates with 50 regional employers over 5 years Established network of 200 employers, via internship programme and employer advisory panel
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Summer Placements SEPnet Summer Internship Scheme No registered for placements No of placements *
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Employer Engagement The internship scheme is growing year-on-year.
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Employer Engagement Key successes Engagement of with range of industry sectors and employer groups such as IPEM, NEF, Skills Councils, LEPs An estimated 5,000 businesses in the South East have received communication from SEPnet over last 5 years Since undergraduates have been placed with 50 employers Established network of 200 employers, via internship programme and employer advisory panel Excellent relationships with partner Careers Services across network IoP and Space Industry Network (SpIN) modelling schemes on SEPnet SME engagement increased significantly year on year Students securing jobs with placement providers and key employers eg Astrium, NPL, BAE Systems, Selex ES, Ultra Electronics
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Employer Engagement What hasn’t worked so well One staff member covering seven sites has meant we have a good regional picture but lack resources on the ground The employers’ relationship is with SEPnet rather than institutions Lack resources to build on relationships with employers on a local level Employers less willing or able to fund students in a subject- specific, geographically-restrictive programme Large companies prefer to have a national/international outlook across a range of disciplines or have their own schemes Smaller companies are keen to engage but lack funds
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Research
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Research Themes Astrophysics Atomic and Condensed Matter Physics Particle Physics Radiation Detectors and Instrumentation
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Research Themes Atomic and Condensed Matter – Hubbard theory consortium impressive and an exemplar on what can be achieved collaboratively (Kent, RHUL, RAL) – CM leadership at QMUL – Strengthened Surrey, Southampton and Sussex links LOFAR – SEPnet played critical role in both UK and region. Key to SKA leadership – Built up radio astronomy in the South East – Built up computational resources for astrophysics – Boosted research and collaboration in astronomy, including impact of SEPnet fellows and students NExT – led to strengthened EPP and TPP research in Soton, RHUL, Sussex, QMUL and RAL RDI – successful collaboration with Surrey and Sussex, leading to collaborations with RHUL and RAL
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Kent QMUL Sussex Portsmouth Southampton Oxford RAL Surrey RHUL PhD Joint Supervision links
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Examples of SEPnet PhD Outcomes Filippo Boi (QMUL) now Assistant Professor, College of Physical Science and Technology, University of Sichuan, China; Paola Avella (Surrey) Post-doc at the Max Planck Institute in Munich; Anthony Rose (Sussex) a post-doc at Texas A&M University, USA; Griffin Foster (Oxford) is now a Post-doctoral Research Associate working at Rhodes University, South Africa, and within the SKA South Africa project; Eva Zarkadoula (QMUL) now holds a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship at the Oak Ridge Laboratory, USA Andrew Williams (RHUL) post-doctoral position in Warsaw Chris Lennox (Kent) now on teacher training Francesco Aguilar (RHUL) programmer at Siemens Industry Software Ltd Hana Schumacher (Portsmouth) Geophysicist at PGS Martina Abb (Southampton) postdoc at Southampton Patrik Svantesson (Southampton) Consultant in Sweden
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Research income trends versus UK Source IOP
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Issues Incenting Research collaborations without funds Ensuring collaborations happen when funded Dependency on “goodwill” of overcommitted academic staff to execute plan: – SEPnet 1 Graduate School failure – Respected leaders are already overcommitted – Junior leaders lack authority and can less afford impact on research output REF outcome uncertain – SEPnet staff and PhDs should have increased OUTPUT – But not necessarily by the REF cutoff
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Euromasters
Working together to promote excellence in Physics MSc in Physics (Euro-Masters) In SEPnet: A unique combination Bologna-accord in spirit and letter: 2-year programme, 120 ECTS Wide recognition across Europe Physics Departments at 6 Universities in the South-East of England Structure: year-1: taught, year-2: research project Mobility between SEPnet partners Possibilities for external research projects: eg Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, CERN, Diamond, NPL etc SEPnet scholarships: full and ‘fees-only’
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Intake Very disappointing in 2009 (3 at Sussex) Better in 2010 (3 each Surrey, QM, 1 Sussex) 100 applicants in 2011 and partners successfully run the programme – Kent, QMUL, RHUL, Surrey, Sussex But very few EU applicants (the target market) Many overseas applicants and UK ones – Overseas have visa and possibly quality issues – UK ones mainly hedging bets on PhD places Survey indicates significant barriers for EU students – Preference to stay at home – UK fees – No real advantage in being taught in English – Tutors unlikely to recommend to their best students But Students on the course like it
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Future Continue to target EU students but not expect high numbers Re-focus on Overseas – China – USA – SE Asia UK students Opposite of SEPnet business plan! Let each partner continue as they wish and use SEPnet branding
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Institutional Benefits Kent: Growth in UG numbers, Investment in Planetary Science, SCM Theory Group connections with RAL, Portsmouth: Super Computer; LOFAR, Applied Physics Degree QMUL: Condensed Matter Staff, Astro Lectureship, NExT RHUL: SEPnet Lecturers, Hubbard Theory Consortium, Particle Physics, Video technology, Euromasters Southampton: Growth in UG numbers, LOFAR investment, lectureships, NExT (QMUL, Sussex & RHUL) Surrey: Growth in UG numbers, MSc RDI course, Astro Group Investment Sussex: TPP grant with RHUL; NExT and RDI Collaborations; LOFAR; Atomic, Molecular and Optical collaborations
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Scorecard Outreach + Whole greater than sum of parts + Big increase in UG numbers Employer Engagement + Exemplar UG placement programme – Mixed commitment from employers – Hard to reach SMEs and local employer groups Research + Strengthened by Academic appointments + LOFAR, Hubbard Consortium, NExT – Collaborations need funds to be sustained Graduate School + NExT and RDI successful + Videoconference capability – Euromasters mixed (at best) – Astrophysics, Nanoscience, Condensed Matter Theory and other disciplines failed Sustainability of Physics + All institutions now fully committed to Physics and investing in staff and facilities Sustainability of SEPnet + Governance viewed as successful (by partners and HEFCE) + Partners and HEFCE want to continue + New members wanted to join – Needed further HEFCE funds to support Phase 2
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Emerging Risks Undergraduate fees – Demonstrating the value of Physics – Disincentive for: Any fee paying PGT course PGR programmes when faced with large debts Reduce the pipeline of qualified PhD students Student Number controls – “AAB+” and change to “ABB+” and from 2015/16 no caps – Contestable places at the low fee end – Likely to produce a “squeezed” middle Research Council funding – Fewer PhD places (and algorithmic funding) – Concentration of the remaining PhD places – Also impacts middle sized/specialised departments Transition to EBacc – Further turbulence in the sector Outcome of the REF Impact: – On the medium/long term research and teaching pipelines – Fewer PhDs and Masters level students entering industry
Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Phase Two Dr James West – Executive Director
Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Phase Two SEPnet Phase Two should build on this with new activity in three areas: – A SEPnet strategy for enhancing Research Impact – A SEPnet strategy for Diversity in Research to strengthen the Research Environment – A SEPnet programme for developing research students into the leaders of the future (The SEPnet Graduate Network) And continue the SEPnet 1 programmes in an expanded network
Working together to promote excellence in Physics GRADnet SEPnet 2 will develop a regional Graduate Network (GRADnet) built on the strength of current SEPnet research collaborations and Graduate programmes. The primary objectives of GRADnet will be to: – develop and deliver an exemplar programme of PhD transferable and leadership skills to create employment-ready physics doctoral graduates for the economic benefit of the UK; – increase employer engagement with HEIs – enhance the impact (types, reach and significance) of SEPnet’s research via a clear, collaborative impact strategy; – enhance research environment diversity through engagement with Athena SWAN or the IoP’s Project Juno. The skills and experience of the expanded network will be marshalled to these goals. The inclusion of the Open University and the University of Hertfordshire broadens the range of postgraduate research in the network.
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Employer Engagement and Outreach SEPnet 2 will expand its employer engagement and internship programmes, widening the range of work experiences available to enhance undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) employability and progress to research degrees. SEPnet 2 will build upon the success of its Outreach Programme to disseminate this best practice, apply it to Widening Partcipation and to develop and disseminate effective practices to increasing diversity in the physics UG and PG populations.
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Commitment from the SEPnet partners To the long term provision of physics teaching and research, building upon the success of SEPnet Phase One, as a strategically important subject for the UK science base and economy. Offer stability for physics provision through a turbulent period for HEIs (and build on the opportunities that such turbulence may create eg through physics becoming a more popular subject choice for students). It will offer regional, and ultimately, national sustainability. Open University and the University of Hertfordshire committed to join, Reading will join as an associate Collectively they are Contributing £10.3m cash and inkind contributions over 5 years
Working together to promote excellence in Physics The partners have agreed to contribute: Maintenance of the current Outreach officers and their programme costs (~£15K/year each) Committed A defined number of Summer UG internships for the employability programme each year. This proposal advises that the partners contribute to a pool of £50,000 per year to fund internships (£54K Committed) Maintenance of the Academic, Technical and Administrative positions Committed At least one PhD studentship per year for the SEPnet Graduate School (with 2 requested from the larger institutions) 1 PhD per partner Committed Share of the SEPnet Central costs Committed (Average of £30K per year over the 5 years)
Working together to promote excellence in Physics HEFCE have agreed to contribute: The SEPnet Graduate Network (£885K) PG Student Representative Body (£50K) SEPnet Research Collaboration, Public Engagement and Knowledge Transfer (£275K) SEPnet Diversity, for enhancing the research environment (£250K) SEPnet Employer Engagement, for graduate employability (£510K) SEPnet Central and shared Costs (£450K) Network expansion to broaden and deepen the reach and impact of the network (£330K) £2.75m over 5 years Matched by ~£10.3m from the SEPnet partners
Working together to promote excellence in Physics SEPnet Phase Two
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Expanded Network Gr SEPnet Phase 2 Subject Knowledge Outreach Research Employability Graduate Network Expanded Network SEPnet Governance Prize PhD Studentships Workshops and Conferences Placements and Exchanges Diversity Public Engagement Impact Diversity Employer Workshops and training Mentoring Placements and Exchanges Alumni Advanced Taught PhD Programmes Broad Programme Taught Masters Staff Development Knowledge Exchange
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Diversity and Impact 0.5 FTE additional assistance from HEFCE for Diversity & Impact Lead(s), especially to achieve Physics widening participation goals – enhance research environment diversity through engagement with Athena SWAN or the IoP’s Project Juno – to research issues of underrepresentation with IoP and other interested parties – Identify and disseminate best practice within the network – Create a gameplan to address short and long term actions and deliver via the network – enhance the impact (types, reach and significance) of SEPnet’s research via a clear, collaborative impact strategy – Support all departments submitting for or renewing an award by 2016 Agreed funds: £50K per year for 5 years Plus: access to £20K per year for Knowledge Exchange (£100K)
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Employability Contribute to the SEPnet employer engagement programme – Each partner contributes to the central Employer engagement Director position – Each partner funds a number of Summer UG Internship placements with employers. These would typically cost £2K for each internship. (£54K Committed) – Each partner provides at least one research summer placement per year to the scheme. Inkind cost: £3K each – We have negotiated additional support from HEFCE to develop the employer engagement strand further in SEPnet 2 (£510K) Around 0.5FTE each for ~2.5 years £180K each in years 1 and 2; £100K in year 3; £50K in year 4 Will be a key foundation of the Graduate Network proposal – Address UG and PG student opportunity for employability Director has hired staff and is in development of a deliverable plan
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Research Continuation of the SEPnet Research network – Facilitated by £50K per year to run thematic workshops – £175K total: £50K each years 1,2,3; £25K year 4 Each partner allocates at least one PhD studentship per year to the network’s system of SEPnet collaborative PhD studentships. – Use to attract more and better applicants for ALL PhD places – GRADnet Director will manage the recruitment and allocation processes in conjunction with each node Expanded role for Public Engagement linked into Outreach and Knowledge Exchange linked to Employability – £20K per year for Knowledge Exchange (£100K) Facilitated under the umbrella of the Graduate Network
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Graduate Network Establish a regional cohort based Graduate Network of collaborative teaching for Physics PGT and PGR students To provide a core subject and professional skills Graduate programme for all SEPnet Physics Grad students Comprehensive focus on employability skills and attitudes A SEPnet wide programme to attract best PhD applicants for all PhD places Use as a platform to obtain CDTs and other PhD students within the network £885K over 5 years – £195K for first 3 years; £100K year 4; £50K year 5 – Training modules: £75K y1; £50K y2; £25K y3
Working together to promote excellence in Physics PG Student Representative Panel the creation of a cross-institutional postgraduate student panel to gather students’ feedback on teaching and courses provide advocacy for the student population on the GRADnet oversight panel and with the Management Group (Heads of Department body), ensuring the student voice is heard in decisions on the curriculum and delivery of the graduate programme and in the operational management of the network. Budget: £50K for 3 years
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Steering Board PVCs/Deans Strategy Employer Engagement Director Veronica Benson Team Collaboration Board (HoDs) Independent Advisory Panel Scientists/Employers Outreach Director Clare Harvey Team GRADnet Directorate Peter McDonald Dawn Duke Pam Denicolo Cristobel Soares-Smith Diversity & Impact Lead(s) Averil MacDonald Independent Chair Bill Wakeham Operations Board Executive Director James West PG Student Panel Informal Structures
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Governance PVC Steering Board – Meet 2/year HoDs – 4/year Operations Board – Monthly Independent Advisory Panel – 1/year and as necessary
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Milestones Success criteriaMeasures 1.Recruitment of GRADnet Director.Director in post by September Establishment of GRADnet course programme. GRADnet Physics programmes delivered from September By Sept 2016 each node imports or exports at least 2 modules attended by at least 12 students. 3.Development of Professional Skills Training Programme. At least 1 employer per institution engaged in skills training by 2014; 2 by Membership of SEPnet extended to include Open University, University of Hertfordshire, and University of Reading as an associate member. New members formally part of network by September Increased undergraduate internship places. Establish baseline metrics by Dec SEPnet partners to increase number of industry experiences (eg employer or other funded internships, industrial site visits, employer talks, employer workshops, employer projects) by at least 30% in 2014, 40% in 2015, 50% in 2016.
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Milestones cont 6.Deliver industrial placements for postgraduate research students. Deliver industrial placements and other industry experiences eg (e)mentoring support, site visits, work shadowing, pitching to employers: 100% of SEPnet PhD students and 10% of all physics PGRs in 2014; 20% of all PGRs in 2015; 30% in 2016 Establish targets for in Enhance research environment diversity through engagement with Athena SWAN / IoP ’ s Project Juno. Those with awards successfully renew Minimum 2 departments not currently holding awards, per year, to make submissions. Those holding awards to renew those awards successfully as they become due or to make submissions to higher awards. Continued and consistent engagement with improving good practice through Action Plans All partners to hold or have renewed awards by October 2016 Apply to join early BME pilots 8.Develop SEPnet industry knowledge exchange collaborations Establish significant new SEPnet industry collaborations/projects: 4 by 2014; 6 by 2015; 9 by Enhanced value for money secured from the HEFCE investment by achieving cash and in-kind funding contributions from the partner institutions in SEPnet. Evidence of investment made by partner HEIs to be provided in the final project report.
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Issues Problem of sustaining costs as HEFCE contribution tapers down Sustainability of: – Research workshops, KE External funding? – Conferences Recommend rotating around network – Employability Absorb into careers offices (but likely to lose impact) – Student Panel Subscriptions? – Grad Network Director Merge role with other SEPnet roles and/or top slice fees We will defer closure of this risk until before the 3 year review point (but start agreeing it from Spring 2014)
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Summary SEPnet is to continue and expand The priorities are agreed – Outreach, Employability, Research, Graduate Network, Diversity Graduate Network needs us to converge on a plan to implement The longer term funding environment remains uncertain – SEPnet 2 provides a stable anchor for 3-5 years
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Backup Slides
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Achievements so far Outreach – Activity with over 500,000 people: school students and public – Raised profile – local, regional national events Employer Engagement – Summer studentships, employers engaged Videoconference suites commissioned Graduate School – RDI Masters – EuroMasters (5 partners now running the programme) – NExT 21 Fellowships appointed 48 PhD studentships funded and filled Governance – Chair and Exec Director – Science and Employer Advisory Panels
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Achievements so far… Additional Institutions – Portsmouth joined SEPnet (and a new university offering Physics) – Hertfordshire and The OU joining Phase 2 Research Themes – RDI – Successful and now business as usual – NeXT well established and expanding – Astro: LOFAR-UK Commissioned and operational – ACM: Hubbard Centre established Evolving use of Web Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn SEPnet Undergraduate Numbers – Cohort size up ~115% 2013 versus 2007 Indirect benefits throughout each department – UG growth sustains the departments – SEPnet appointments spread the teaching loads and increases research capability
UG Intake
Working together to promote excellence in Physics UG Populations
Juno and Athena- SWAN Athena- SWANJUNO Hertfordshire Supporter Kent The OU Practitione r Portsmouth Supporter QMUL Practitione r RHULSilverChampion Southampton Supporter Surrey Supporter Sussex Supporter
Background – to Themes Astro Space Materials ACM Particle Physics Photonics Q. Optics Radiation RDI Theoretical Physics Kent ✔ ✔ ✔ Ports ✔ QMUL ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Royal H ✔ ✔✔ So’ton ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Surrey ✔ ✔✔ ✔ Sussex ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔✔ RAL ✔ ✔ ✔
SEPnet-Astro Built up radio astronomy in the South East LOFAR, SKA SCIAMA Boosted research and collaboration in astronomy, including impact of SEPnet fellows and students Built up computational resources for astrophysics
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Research Income trends 1 QMUL large STFC Consolidated Grants in one year Kent £1,182K£1,249K£1,469K£1,442K£1,194K£1,192K£1,201K Portsmouth £970K£1,212K£1,389K£1,507K£1,482K£1,516K£1,201K QMUL £1,991K£3,572K£5,225K 1 £2,657K£2,726K£5,090K£4,682K RHUL £2,400K£2,039K£2,153K£2,304K£2,629K£3,226K£3,033K Soton £2,797K£3,220K£3,723K£3,392K£3,437K£3,969K£3,725K Surrey £2,338K£2,819K£2,426K£2,865K£2,813K£2,893K£2,970K Sussex £2,022K£2,168K£2,495K£2,173K£2,735K£3,161K£3,272K Total £13,700K£16,279K£18,880K£16,340K£17,016K£21,047K£20,084K
Working together to promote excellence in Physics Research Income Trends
Working together to promote excellence in Physics SAP Feedback There are a lot of positives about SEPnet. It has laid the foundations for collaboration; collaborations are happening and it must now keep the momentum going and apply this to the emerging funding environment where SEPnet will have a head start as an existing collaboration. SEPnet has the potential to transform the physics performed at the participating institutions and the region and must build on the established foundations to exploit its transformational potential. The institutions must resist the temptation to retreat into their core strengths as the funding environment changes and, instead, use SEPnet as the vehicle to set the agenda for physics in the region.