Unit 1 language and culture in communication Our life depends on communication. Discovering the scope of communication Types of communication: human communication ( 人类传播 ) animal communication human-animal communication human-machine communication machine-to-machine communication
Classifications of Language: Human Language (人类语言) : verbal: English, Chinese nonverbal: non-word sounds --- sounds uttered to control animals body language gestures, head movements Artificial Language (人造语言) : special purpose ---Braille symbolic---logic machine---computer
The narrow view of communication There are at least two or more people There must be some contact between communicators There must be a language shared by communicators An exchange of information has taken place Page 12
Models of communication Models of communication ( 传播的模 式 ):Communication experts have designed various models for communication. They have different ways of providing models. On the whole, the earlier experts have simpler ones while the present experts have taken much more things into consideration before designing models.
Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver (1949): source of information → encoder → channel → decoder → retrieval of information 信源 → 发射器 → 信道 → 接受器 → 信宿 Model 1 Model 2 page 16
speaker→message→channel→addresse e→ effects 传者 → 讯息 → 媒介 → 受者 Mono-cultural language communication Unilaterally cross-cultural language communication Model 3 page 18 bilaterally cross-cultural language communication one side culture
With these models you learn a foreign language in a more conscientious fashion. More importantly, with these models you will be able to have a better understanding of cross-cultural communication, the theme of this course.
Meanings in communication In any forms of communication, mono--cultural, unilateral and bilateral cross-cultural alike, meaning exchange is the essence. In this part, we shall examine various types of meanings in communication. In Page 23, there is a conversation between wife, a Finnish, and husband, a Taiwan Chinese. They are talking about the husband's mother. Unfortunately this conversation is overheard by the mother:
1.Utterance Meaning is what an utterance normally means. 2. Speaker's meaning is what the speaker has intended to convey by way of utterance meaning. 3. Hearer's meaning is what the hearer has understood on the basis of the utterance meaning.
Essential components of a social situation: When two or more people gather to do an activity for fulfill a purpose, communication cannot be avoided, in which situation a social communication is created. A social situation has the following essential components:
1. two or more participants: 2. a social situation: A social situation may receive two definitions. One is given by the community and the other by the participants. The community definition of a social situation is a sort of official definition, or official interpretation of the situation, such as a social situation of meeting, a social situation of classroom teaching, etc. The participants' definition refers to the interpretations of the situation given by participants themselves. The two types of definition may coincide or differ
3. goal: a purpose you want to achieve by doing something 4. setting: spatial setting( 空间场合 ) & temporal setting( 时间场合 ) 5. schema/schemata: rules and procedures 6. verbal communication: 7. non-verbal communication: 一切不使用语言 进行的交际活动,包括:眼神、手势、身势、微 笑、面部表情、服装打扮、沉默、身体的接触、 讲话人的距离、讲话的音量、时间观念、对空间 的使用等。 8. time and space: