Target Audience: Youth
The influence of music videos can be seen in a wide range of media products and language such as - Film trailers - Revived and re-released pop songs in ads - Directors work in both film and music videos
Inter-textuality Music videos featured on a film soundtrack often use shots and/or the mise-en-scene of the film. Jump and Love Actually Men in Black and Men In Black Club Can’t Handle Me and Step Up 3 They are constructed to imply the artist/s are part of the film.
Inter-textuality Music videos may also pay homage to a particular film or novel or computer game. Eg. Material Girl by Madonna Diamonds are a girls best friend by Marilyn Monroe (Gentlemen prefer Blondes)
Product Integration Music videos are a form of advertising. The underlying message is that the purchase of the song will improve the viewer’s life. Product placement and images of money, success and power are used to support the message of the music video.
Product Integration John Safron Q1. Why do you believe The Kinks changed the lyric in their song from “Coca Cola” to “Cherry Cola”? Q2. Explain how the business model vertical integration applies to music videos? Q3. What is the point John Safron is trying to make with the “SONY Product Placement Head-visor”?
Task 1. Find 3 music videos (appropriate for school) and site examples of product integration. Eg. Freestyler by Bom Funk MCs Sony headphones Sony Walkman 2. Count the number of instances these products appear. Stop the clip every 30 seconds and record the number of times the product is seen. 3. Find out who the record company is and see if there is a connection between the products advertised and the record company/artist (vertical integration).