Dayton MS/HS Literacy /28/2015
Literacy Goals for the Year: Three Literacy Goals: Standard-based Learning Targets (e.g. ‘I Can’) that integrate reading, writing and content standards Help teachers design meaningful and engaging learning experiences to improve literacy skills across content areas. (Literacy Design Collaborative, LDC). Actively reflect and collaborate on literacy implementation through the Professional Learning Community (PLC). 210/28/2015
Novice Reduction Plan Novice Reduction for Growth & Gap Goal is to reduce novice and increase apprentice on K-Prep (N, A, P, D) Intervention School Year implementation of the Read 180 program Grades 7 & 8 School Year 2015 Expanded READ 180 to grade 9 Added 4 th Bell RTI to high school for Math, Reading, & English 310/28/2015
READ 180 DATA 59% of students in Read 180 improved their Lexile score from 2014 to 2015 on the SRI assessment. *Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) determines a student’s reading skills and provides a Lexile. The SRI shows student growth over time. 410/28/2015
Novice Reduction – Potential Growth K-Prep Novice Reduction in Reading: ** A majority of our students in READ 180 are within 5-10 points of Novice to Apprentice or Apprentice to Proficient 510/28/2015 % Novice 2014 Accountability 2015 AccountabilityReduced By Middle School High School
Where We Are… Disciplinary Literacy Instructor with focus on: Teaching Coaching Remediation Literacy Team established Capacity-building – team will advocate this plan for literacy Day Literacy & Math Road Map developed Adapted from KDE’s Novice Reduction initiative 610/28/2015
Next Steps… Next Steps Training to entire staff: DateEarly Release Focus Oct 28 th Deconstruction & Synthesis of Standards Nov 2 nd District PD Day: Data Analysis (morning), and Vertical Alignment (afternoon) Nov 4 th Literacy: Mini-Tasks for Text Identification & Text Dependent Questions 710/28/2015
Literacy Goals for the Year: Three Literacy Goals: Standard-based Learning Targets (e.g. ‘I Can’) that integrate reading, writing and content standards Support instructional practice through the literacy instructional ladder (e.g. Literacy Design Collaborative mini-tasks) Actively reflect and collaborate on literacy implementation through the Professional Learning Community (PLC). 810/28/2015