MAT 213 Brief Calculus Section 3.3 Exponential and Logarithmic Rate-of- Change Formulas
Below is a graph of f(x)=2 x What do you think the graph of f’(x) would look like?
The Derivatives of Exponential Functions Calculate the derivative of f(x)=2 x What is this????
The Derivatives of Exponential Functions Fill out the following table for values of h close to zero. h
The Derivatives of Exponential Functions Fill out the following table for values of h close to zero. h This table suggests that the limit DOES exist, and has a value of about So we can write:
So the derivative of 2 x is proportional to 2 x with a constant of proportionality Hmmmm…
The Derivatives of Exponential Functions Calculate the derivative of f(x)=a x What is this????
Here is for different values of a a Use your calculator to plot these points. What type of function does it look like?
RESULTS Consequently,
The Derivative of ln x Numerically estimate the derivative at the following input values. xDerivative of ln x x
The Derivative of ln x Numerically estimate the derivative at the following input values. xDerivative of ln x x1/x
The Derivative of ln x If y = lnx, then for x > 0. Examples
In groups let’s try the following from the book 23