African Society and Culture Life in Medieval Africa Cornell Notes Page 231
Objective Identify the common traits of African society.
African Society and Culture pg. 231 Life in Medieval Africa Family is basis of African society Extended Families=families made up of several generations. Villages were matrilineal=traced their descent through mothers rather than fathers Women joined husband’s family. Husband’s family gave gifts to wife’s family to make up for loss. Children were greatly valued Seen as bond between past and future. Children guaranteed family would live on.
African Society and Culture pg. 231 Education Family and other villagers were responsible for education Children learned history of their people and skills for adulthood. Griots helped in schooling. They kept village’s oral history alive. Lessons through short proverbs.
African Society and Culture pg. 231 Role of Women Women acted as wives and mothers. Men had more rights. Men controlled what women did. Women served as soldiers in some African kingdoms. Some women were famous rulers. Queen Dahia al-Kahina: led fight against Muslim invasion of her kingdom. Queen Nzinga: battled Portuguese slave traders for 40 years.
African Slavery Pages
1.Criminals and enemies were enslaved. 2. Staying in Africa meant hope of escape. 3. Slaves could win freedom through hard work or marrying a free person, or they could be bought. 1. Slaves were taken to other lands. 3. There was no hope of escape or freedom. 2. Slaves had to harvest sugarcane because it was hard labor. 1. Worked as laborers 2. Were not paid. 3. Captured through raids on villages
Slavery Reading Check How did exploration change the African slave trade? ANS: After exploration, the slave trade increased rapidly as a result of Europe’s desire for free labor to plant and harvest crops in the new lands they settled.
African Culture Pages Africans carried their culture with them throughout the whole world.
African Culture pg. 235 African Art Cave Painting are the earliest form of African art Almost always had some religious meaning or use Masks and Statues To celebrate African religious beliefs Other works Art often told stories Wood/ivory/bronze art depicted important people Kente Cloth
African Culture pg. 236 Music and Dance Expressed religious feelings Everyday tasks Musical instruments Drums, whistles, flutes, or banjos kept the beat Dance allowed spirits express themselves Celebrated births and deaths Influenced today’s music Gospel, blues, ragtime, jazz, rock & roll, and rap
African Culture pg. 237 Storytelling Enslaved African’s recorded their stories Others retold stories aloud Griots stories were taught in the African homeland. Popular stories often included small animals outsmarting larger ones African names are being given to children to keep the african history and culture alive.