Ozzy Osbourne John Michael "Ozzy" Osbourne is an English singer-songwriter, whose career has now spanned four decades. Osbourne rose to prominence as lead vocalist of pioneering English heavy metal band Black Sabbath, and eventually achieved a multi- platinum more..more..
“ Ozzy Osbourne:Where do I live? #Life and Living#Life and Living
“ Ozzy Osbourne:Let me explain something to you - you have not been standing in front of thirty thousand decibals for thirty- five years - write me a note! #Writers and Writing#Writers and Writing
“ Ozzy Osbourne:I'm not the kind of person you think I am, I'm not the anti-Christ, or the iron man. #Jesus Christ#Jesus Christ
“ Ozzy Osbourne:He was the first person that came into my life and gave me hope. #Hope#Hope
“ Ozzy Osbourne:People say it's hard at the top, but it's even harder at the bottom. #Success#Success
“ Ozzy Osbourne:If I had to start it all over again, the only thing I would change is I'd learn to read a contract better. #Books - Reading#Books - Reading
“ Ozzy Osbourne:I can't believe I'm still here, I know I should be dead. #Death and Dying#Death and Dying
“ Ozzy Osbourne:I'm about caring, I'm about people, and I'm about entertaining people. I'm a family man. A husband. A father. I've been a lot of other things over the years, which we don't really want to talk about. I'm always working on trying to better myself, you know? I think that that is an ongoing thing with me. I think I'll do that for the rest of my life. I'm always thinking of what I can do today to better my life. #Life and Living#Life and Living
“ Ozzy Osbourne:They say life sucks and then you die, that's pretty much it. #Life and Living#Life and Living
“ Ozzy Osbourne:When you're young, you're stupid. You do silly things. I did it (the O-Z-Z-Y tattoo across his knuckles) when I was 14. I was in jail for something. I could have had it removed, but why? It's my trademark. People stop me and say, 'Let me have a look at your hand.' #Advice#Advice
“ Ozzy Osbourne:If I had done everything they said I've done, I'd be dead. #Death and Dying#Death and Dying
“ Ozzy Osbourne:Turn that thing off, its driving me mad! #Madness#Madness
“ Ozzy Osbourne:I don't know if I'm a medium for some outside source. Whatever it is, frankly, I hope it's not what I think - Satan. #Devil#Devil
“ Ozzy Osbourne:When we did that album (Vol. 4) it was like one big Roman orgy-we'd be in the Jacuzzi all day doing coke, and every now and then we'd get up to do a song. #Family#Family
“ Ozzy Osbourne:I've been dictating to my son, who's helping me on his computer. I'm spending a lot of time doing research-- I've just got up to 1971, when I went crazy and dived through the window. My life is so full of interesting stories... #Computers#Computers
“ Ozzy Osbourne:I like warming my butt by the fire. #Argument#Argument
“ Ozzy Osbourne:Somebody said to me this morning, 'To what do you attribute your longevity?' I don't know. I mean, I couldn't have planned my life out better. By all accounts I should be dead! The abuse I put my body through: the drugs, the alcohol, the lifestyle I've lived the last 30 years! Now, some rare fly will fly over me, crap on my shoulder, and I'll drop dead, you know? My life story is a real-life story. #Age and Aging#Age and Aging
“ Ozzy Osbourne:I didn't think anything we did was spectacular. I remember we thought, 'Let's just write some scary music.' #Music#Music
“ Ozzy Osbourne:My mother said to me, 'Get a proper job. Quit this f--king around.' She still thinks it's a crazy f--king thing I'm doing. #Perseverance#Perseverance
“ Ozzy Osbourne:This will end in tears. #Tears#Tears
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