By Ryan
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Spitting cobras can grow 6 to 8 feet long. They inherit behavior instincts to Spitting cobras can grow 6 to 8 feet long. They inherit behavior instincts tobehavior eject venom out of the opening in the front of their fangs but they only spit eject venom out of the opening in the front of their fangs but they only spit out the venom to defend them selves from their enemies which is a trait that out the venom to defend them selves from their enemies which is a trait thattrait was inherited to continue their survival. They are accurate up to ten feet was inherited to continue their survival. They are accurate up to ten feet from their enemy and when its enemy is hit the venom will have to be from their enemy and when its enemy is hit the venom will have to be washed out immediately or it will cause blindness. It appears in many washed out immediately or it will cause blindness. It appears in many different parts of Africa. Spitting Cobras feed on small amphibians, birds different parts of Africa. Spitting Cobras feed on small amphibians, birds and small mammals, hunting them at night. They also hang on to their prey and small mammals, hunting them at night. They also hang on to their prey after biting them so they can inject massive amounts of venom. The Spitting after biting them so they can inject massive amounts of venom. The Spitting Cobras environment is in outdoor areas like grassy or wooded areas but Cobras environment is in outdoor areas like grassy or wooded areas butenvironment rodents may attract it to human populated areas. Spitting Cobras are rodents may attract it to human populated areas. Spitting Cobras are Elapidaes. Their offspring are about twenty centimeters long when they hatch. The Spitting Cobra is a predator yet it still is prey for other living animals including snakes like the King Cobra. Spitting Cobras live for about twenty years. Part of a Cobras life cycle is mating when they mate Elapidaes. Their offspring are about twenty centimeters long when they hatch. The Spitting Cobra is a predator yet it still is prey for other living animals including snakes like the King Cobra. Spitting Cobras live for about twenty years. Part of a Cobras life cycle is mating when they mateoffspring they have six to twenty eggs and will lay them in a nest they find. they have six to twenty eggs and will lay them in a nest they find.
Behavior—the way in which an organism responds or acts Traits—the characteristics that determine how an organism looks, acts, or functions Environment— the surroundings in which an organism lives Offspring—the young of an organism
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