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Reflexive Verbs in Passé Composé
Passé Composé avec Etre ou Avoir
REFLEXIVE VERBS Les Verbes Pronominaux When to use a reflexive verb The action is performed by the subject on itself. The verb has a reflexive pronoun.
3.2 © and ® 2012 Vista Higher Learning, Inc The passé composé with être Finalement cest elle qui nest pas venue. Et vous êtes venue quand même?
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R EFLEXIVE P RONOUNS & V ERBS The Relationship Between Verbs and Direct Objects.
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Pourquoi? To avoid restating a place or location, replace it with the pronoun y. The various rules are similar to the pronoun ens. Y also replaces any.
Chapitre 5. Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs are identified in the infinitive by the reflexive pronoun se. Reflexive verbs are used when the person doing.
PassÉ composÉ formation.
Français 2 1. In English, sometimes the action of a verb is directed – or reflected back on the subject. When this happens, the verb may be followed.
LE PASSÉ COMPOSÉ THE PERFECT TENSE Talking about actions, completed in the past.
Ma routine! WALT: To talk about my daily routine. WILF:
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Reflexive Verbs & Reflexive Verbs in the Passé Composé Kaitlin Sanders.
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Le passé composé des verbes réfléchis. Remember, you form the passé composé with a helping verb and a past participle. You have used être and avoir as.
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3.2 The passé composé with être —Finalement c’est elle qui n’est pas venue. —Et vous êtes venue quand même?
Conjugaison Reflexive verbs.  Reflexive verbs are roughly the equivalent of English verbs involving -self or -selves, such as he hurt himself, they weighed.
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Presentation transcript:


What is your day/week like when you have a personal plan?

How do you feel when you don't have a personal plan?

 Do you think students your age from other countries have the same daily routine as you?

1. Imagine that you have a pen pal in Haiti, Martinique or Guadeloupe. Create an Instagram page that shows and tells your pen pal about your daily life and routines. 2. Imagine that you just started following your pen pal's Instagram account. Comment on each picture. o What skills, vocabulary, knowledge do you need to be able to complete both parts of this task in French ? Performance Tasks:

 Vocab related to sports, school, food, family, daily tasks, moods, attitudes  Daily routine from Monday to Sunday  Culture of Haiti, Martinique, Guadeloupe  State likes and dislikes Learning Outcomes:

Daily Routine – must use 5 verbs  se préparer  se brosser les dents  se maquiller  se réveillere.g. Je me réveille à six heures.  se laver le visage  se coucher  se brosser les cheveux  se peigner les cheveux

Bio  Account name must have your name in it  Picture of yourself  Name, age, something funny/interesting about yourself  APPROPRIATE!!!!!

Picture and sentence requirements  Daily routine  Minimum of 5  Sports and leisure activities  Minimum of 3  1 sentence in the past tense  School  Minimum of 5  1 past tense sentence  Family & home  Chores, family members, pets  Food  Minimum of 4  1 sentence about something you ate recently  What you do in the evenings during the school week  Minimum of 4  What you do on the weekends  Minimum of 3  I past tense sentence

A few things to keep in mind:  I will be using the 2 printed slides as my checklist when I evaluate you on this project.  Make sure you edit for spelling, accents, grammar.  Your captions will be the writing portion of your grade.  You need to ask permission to use a picture of someone on your IG account.  You can use pics of things to represent activities.  i.e. Pic of a basketball court to show that you play basketball.

PASSÉ COMPOSÉ Sentence Structure _______ + _________ ____ + ____ __________ ( _____ /____) Subject + auxillary verb + past participle (avoir/être) e.g.J’ai écouté.Nous sommes sortis.

PASSÉ COMPOSÉ with Reflexive Verbs avoirêtre - all other verbsD R M R S V A N D E R T R A M P + all REFLEXIVE verbs

PASSÉ COMPOSÉ with Reflexive Verbs Subject + reflexive pronoun + être + past participle Elle s’ est réveillée.The “e” on the end of the past participle is there to show that the subject of the sentence is feminine.

Period 7 - Countries HaitiMartiniqueGuadeloupe JJMikeyTanner JuleaJustinSofia ChrisKelseyDylan NadiaSarahBrooke SabrinaEmilyNicole AllyLiamArman MichaelaCarsonSam BrigidMorganJarel AlecEmma SunumKeelan

Homework: due Thursday, April 7  Click on the link on the school website for the country you were assigned (Haiti/Martinique/Guadeloupe).  Read all of the information on the country you were assigned so that you are prepared to comment on your partner’s IG account next class.

Period 8 - Countries HaitiMartiniqueGuadeloupe EmilieBraydonTaylor JulianJohannaBrandon C. AshleyKaitlynKiera CarlynJadenLindsay AndrewKaylieEmma TreyAnaAleena JessicaSchylerRaha SadraEmmiBrandon S. LoganJeremy Ethan

Period 7 - Pen pals  JJ and Sabrina  Julea and Ally  Chris and Micahaela  Nadia and Brigid  Mikey and Liam  Justin and Carson  Kelsey and Morgan  Sarah and Alec  Emily and Sunum  Tanner and Arman  Sofia and Sam  Dylan and Jarel  Brooke and Emma  Nicole and Keelan

Period 8 - Pen pals  Emilie, Andrew and Logan  Julian and Trey  Ashley and Jessica  Carlyn and Sadra  Braydon and Kaylie  Johanna and Ana  Kaitlyn and Schyler  Jaden and Emmi  Taylor and Aleena  Brandon C. and Raha  Kiera and Brandon S.  Lindsay and Jeremy  Emma and Ethan

Some reminders when editing:

Reflexive Verb Quiz Outline  Part 1: Translate the sentence from English into French.  English meaning of reflexive verbs – livre page 193  How to use reflexive verbs in the present and past tense  Part 2: Answer the questions using reflexive verbs in the present and past.  e.g. À quelle heure est-ce que tu te lèves le matin? Je me lève à sept heures le matin.  e.g. Est-ce que tu t’es regardé dans la glace hier? Oui, je me suis regardé dans la glace hier.