The Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory 5 th Annual Conference th April 2016, Rolle Building, Plymouth University #PEDRIO
The Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory Annual Conference 2016 Welcome Pauline Kneale Director PedRIO Pro Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning #PEDRIO
Programme – Keynote: Dr Ian Scott Associate Dean for Student Experience, Oxford Brookes University TITLE TO BE CONFIRMED – Keynote: Adam Benjamin School of Humanities and Performing Arts, Plymouth University The Pedagogic Practice of Improvisation – Will we find it when we get there?
Posters, Stands and Refreshments All parallel session will take place in Rolle Building Posters and stands will be displayed on the 6 th Floor of the Rolle Building Tea, coffee and lunch will take place on the 6 th Floor of the Rolle Building
The Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory Influencing policy and practice through research PedRIO challenge - Understand better how to enhance teaching, learning and the student experience and use this evidence in future developments of policy and practice at Plymouth University Enhance the reputation of Plymouth University as a place to study and as a national/ international leader in pedagogic research
Activity Providing a focus for pedagogic research, and supporting academics in all Faculties who undertake research in HE pedagogy Bringing research and curriculum development closer together through Education Development and Centre for Sustainable Futures teams Advocating evidence-based policy and practice for enhancing the student experience Capacity building through PhD supervision and researcher development. Developing collaborations internally and externally, linking between and across faculties and directorates Enabling consortia development, eg for funding bids
PedRIO Theme Groups Centre for Sustainable Futures (CSF) – Stephen Sterling CAMERA - Julian Archer Masters-level teaching pedagogies - Pauline Kneale and Julie Anderson Digital Innovation Group – Neil Witt Critically inclusive pedagogies and the issue of Higher Education (pedagogy of hope) - Suanne Gibson Quantitative reasoning: employability, engagement equity and enterprise - Paul Hewson Community engagement group - Jocey Quinn
PedRIO Events Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching and Learning Conference, 30 th June Visit the PedRIO website for details of PedRIO theme group seminars Centre for Sustainable Futures, Medical Education - CAMERA, masters level teaching, critically inclusive pedagogies, digital innovation… Educational Development workshops and seminars
Project TeamSchool/FacultyProject Title Robert Belshaw Michael Jarvis Priska Schoenborn School of Biomedical and Healthcare Sciences, PUPSMED Teaching and Learning Support From OncoSim to OncoWiki: evaluating OncoSim's educational effectiveness towards developing OncoWiki Mark Holton School of GEES, Faculty of Science and Engineering Developing and evaluating 'Plym-Tour' a new mobile online educational resource for students on Plymouth's people and places Rong Huang School of Tourism and Hospitality, Faculty of Business Engaging international students in employability activities: an innovative approach PedRIO / TFAS project funding 2016 – 2017
Project TeamSchool/FacultyProject Title Marie Lavelle Institute of Education, Faculty of Arts and Humanities A University for all Ages? An exploration of age-stereotyping and unconscious bias and its impact on the student experience Alun Morgan Paul Warwick Institute of Education, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Teaching and Learning Support Service Learning for Sustainability: A feasibility study into the potential for a new learning opportunity at Plymouth Clare Pettinger School of Health Professions, Faculty of Health and Human Sciences Exploring the importance of 'sustainability principles' for dietetic practice and how to streamline these into the dietetic curriculum - a scoping review of the possibilities
Project TeamSchool/FacultyProject Title Carole Sutton Joanne Sellick Emma Purnell School of Government Faculty of Business ASTI Digital Literacy: maximising curriculum innovation and enhancing the student experience Louise Webber Institute of Education, Faculty of Arts and Humanities Mature women and the EdD: changing identity and family relationships
Supporting students’ mental health and well-being.
TITLE TO BE CONFIRMED Dr Ian Scott Associate Dean for Student Experience, Oxford Brookes University #PEDRIO