Protected species of amphibians and reptiles in Poland Protection of species of organisms has a long tradition in Poland. It has developed with the development of our culture. Here are some selected species of amphibians and reptiles, which we think are interesting and deserve special attention.
Tree frog ● This animal is a green amphibian, which lives on the trees. ● It has rebates which are situated on the fingertips. ● This frog eats insects,using its sticky tongue. ● It is thermophilic, so when the temperature is low, it hides under small rocks and falls in a winter sleep (in the winter).
Common frog ● This frog is 7,5cm long. ● Its body is green with some black or dark brown dots, it also has a light green line on the top. ● Its characteristic spieces are yellow dots occuring around the buttocks and groins. ● It has a white stomach. ● It lives near water areas and meadows. ● It is usually active during the day.
Natterjack toad ● This animal is the smallest and the most rare toad in Poland. ● It has a light, thin line on the top of its body. ● It makes a loud sound during the mating season. ● It has a bladder full of air, which is called resonator.
Spadefoot ● Its body is 5-8cm long. ● It has a gray-brown or yellow-brown, spotted, mottled red crest. ● It lives in fields, meadows and gardens. ● It leads secretive and nocturnal lifestyle. ● It often hides under the sand.
Yellow-bellied toad ● It’s 5,5 cm long. ● It has a brown ridge. ● Its stomach has yellow dots. ● This animal ives in the mountains or near the water areas. ● It’s thermophilic. ● It eats small invertebrates.
Crested newt ● It’s 9-12 cm long. ● It has a dark grey or black ridge and an orange-red stomach. ● This animal lives in dry places or in water. ● It’s active on land mostly at night and in water during the day.
Fire salamander ● It’s the biggest tailed amphibian in Poland. ● It has a black shiny ridge, which is covered by yellow or orange dots. ● This animal lives on land and tries not to be in water, because it can’t swim.
Swamp turtle ● It’s 30 cm long. ● It’s brown. ● This animal lives in a reed -covered lakes and oxbow lakes. ● It likes sun. ● It’s a predatory.
Sand lizard ● It is a tiny reptile. ● Its body is 27 cm long. ● This lizard is grey-beige or brown. ● It has dark spots with light middles. ● It lives in fields, meadows, woods, parks and gardens. ● It is a very common polish lizard. ● This animal loses its tail.
Slow worm ● It is a footless lizard. ● Its body is 45 cm long. ● This animal moves slowly. ● It looks like a snake. ● Its body is brown and shiny. ● Its tail breaks easily. ● You can find it in forests, bushes, gardens, parks, meadows and moors.
Common viper ● It is up to 80 cm long. ● Its head is wide, flat and heart-shape. ● The colour of the body depends on the live environment. ● It has a zig-zag on the ridge, which is characteristic for this animal. ● It is venomous. ● It is common in every part of Poland.
Grass snake ● It’s up to 200 cm long. ● It’s not venomous. ● It’s gray and has characteristic yellow spots on both sides behind its head. ● It lives near water. ● It’s a predator. ● It eats frogs, small mamalls and insects. ● It bites randomly.
Aesculapian snake ● It’s the biggest snake in Poland. ● Adult ones can be 200cm long. ● It’s not venomous. ● This snake eats mice, small mamalls, lizards, small birds, tiny snakes. ● It’s thermophilic. ● This animal prefers open places like meadows,forests and near rivers. ● Adult ones are olive-brown with broght dots.
Thank you for your attention! Made by: Zuzanna Żbikowska Gabriel Siemiątkowski Łukasz Dybowski Społeczne Gimnazjum im. Marii Skłodowskiej- Curie Społecznego Towarzystwa Oświatowego w Ciechanowie Klasa III gimnazjum