SBA Testing Schedule
Due next biology class! 30 pts (test next class after that)
Notebook Check Evolution (15-1 Assessment, EvoDots, 15-3 Outline, Darwin’s Finches, Geo Timeline, video “Origin”) Genetics Meiosis, Mitosis DNA & Proteins Photosynthesis, Cell Respiration
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1. Define and give an example of a. struggle for existence Life is struggle to survive. Animals struggle to find food, shelter, mates, and avoid getting eaten by predators. Predators and prey.
1. Define and give an example of b. adaptation Inherited physical or behavioral trait that helps organisms survive.
1. Define and give an example of c. Survival of the fittest Organisms that are best adapted to their environments survive, reproduce and pass traits to offspring. Organisms with camouflage colors survive and pass traits to offspring.
1. Define and give an example of d. descent with modification Living things look different from their ancestors because they changed as they adapted to different environments. Tigers, lions, cheetahs, panthers descended from sabertooth tiger.
2. Describe three different forms of evidence that support Darwin’s theory of evolution, e.g. fossil record, homologous structures, similarities in embryology, etc. Fossils show how life has changed over time, how new species related to old.
2. Describe three different forms of evidence that support Darwin’s theory of evolution, e.g. fossil record, homologous structures, similarities in embryology, etc. Similar body structures in different animals point to common ancestry, e.g. limbs of reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals.
2. Describe three different forms of evidence that support Darwin’s theory of evolution, e.g. fossil record, homologous structures, similarities in embryology, etc. Similarities in embryos of different animals points to common ancestors.
2. Describe three different forms of evidence that support Darwin’s theory of evolution, e.g. fossil record, homologous structures, similarities in embryology, etc. The more similar the DNA, the more closely living things are related.
3. Explain in terms of natural selection why giraffes have long necks. Giraffes used to have short necks. Giraffes born with long necks survived and reproduced, passing traits to offspring. Giraffes with short necks starved, didn’t reproduce.
How would Lamarck explain giraffes’ long necks? What’s wrong with his explanation? Giraffes used to have short necks. Giraffes stretched their necks to get leaves, passed that trait to offspring. Characteristics acquired in life not passed to offspring. Lamarck Darwin
4. Why is it wrong to explain evolution in terms of an individual animal or plant adapting to its environment? Evolution is about how living things as a group adapt to their environment, not as individuals. Lamarck Darwin
5. Explain the role of DNA mutation and sexual reproduction in natural selection. Both cause more variation in offspring. More variety in offspring means more chance some will be better adapted for survival than others.
5. Explain the role of DNA mutation and sexual reproduction in natural selection. Both cause more variation in offspring. More variety in offspring means more chance some will be better adapted for survival than others.
6. What is the scientific definition of a “theory?” How is this different from the way non-scientists use the word? Well-supported explanation for things we observe in nature. To non-scientists, theory means something “iffy.” To scientists, it means something accepted as true; not “iffy”. Plate tectonics is a theory, not considered “iffy”.
7. What is the Watchmaker argument against evolution? Why is it not a valid argument? Given enough time (millions, billions of years) complex life forms could have evolved from simpler ones without God. That living things are too complex to have been created by evolution. There must have been a Maker.
8. Explain in terms of natural selection why it’s getting harder and harder to kill bacteria with antibiotic medicines and anti-bacterial cleaners. If not used properly, you leave behind the ones that are already resistant to the antibiotic. They’ll reproduce, meaning the antibiotic won’t work next time.