An Assessment of Wildness in “Walking” and The Blithedale Romance Brandon Naquin Nicholls State University Department of Languages and Literatures “Wanderer above the Sea of Fog” Caspar David Friedrich Painting-oil (1818)
Henry David Thoreau b. July 12, 1817 d. May 6, 1862 “Walking” p. 1862
“Cows in a Meadow” Paulus Potter Painting-oil “[the] seeds of instinct are preserved under [their] thick hides” -Thoreau
Nathaniel Hawthorne b. July 4, 1804 d. May 19, 1864 The Blithedale Romance p. 1852
“…only a leaf, floating on the dark current of events, without influencing them by her own choice or plan…” -Hawthorne “Girl in Flower Field” Inna Montano Painting-oil
19 th century artist’s rendition of Thoreau’s cabin near Walden Pond “…a border life, on the confines of a world into which I make occasional and transient forays only…” -Thoreau
Images Brady,. Nathaniel Hawthorne by Brady. N.d. Photograph. WikipediaWeb. 11 Apr David Friedrich, Caspar. Wanderer above the Sea of Fog Painting. WikipediaWeb. 11 Apr Maxham, Benjamin D. Henry David Thoreau - Restored Photograph. WikipediaWeb. 11 Apr Montano, Inna. Girl In Flower Field. N.d. Painting. fineartamericaWeb. 11 Apr Potter, Paulus. Cows in a Meadow Painting. WikipediaWeb. 11 Apr L.jpg b b16ac8bd