Some other wonders of this national park include lakes, waterfalls, cirques, high mountain meadows, petrified trees, Obsidian Cliff and the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River. Yellowstone River.
Come horseback riding in Montana’s Flathead Valley. Enjoy countless miles of trails that take you meandering through wooded forests, exploring lake shores, and sightseeing along mountain ridges and summits. Horseback riding also provides great photo opportunities for wildlife, wildflowers and panoramic views of the Flathead Valley and majestic Rocky Mountains.
Pictograph Cave One of the key archeological sites used in determining the sequence of prehistoric occupation on the northwestern Plains. The deposits indicate occupation from 2600 BC to after 1800 AD
Art galleries, local foods, and outdoor gear are just some of the shopping opportunities you will find in Montana - whether you choose to do your browsing and buying in person or over the online.
Grow Montana’s goal is the establishment of the entrepreneurial support system necessary to actually build the food production, processing, and distribution infrastructure needed to localize Montana’s food system.
Welcome to the Holiday Inn Express and Suites, Helena, Montana. Helena is centrally located in the state between Glacier & Yellowstone National Park and is within 20 minutes of the Missouri River and Canyon Ferry Lake where you'll enjoy boating, fishing, camping & biking along with many other outdoor recreational activities. Dont forget about Great Divide Ski Hill in the winter months with fresh powder along with year round opportunities for everyone, whether youre a resident or visitor
Montana is home to great hunting. With options to venture out on your own hunt, or head out with an experienced guide from one of Montana’s outfitting services. Either way your Montana hunt is sure to be unforgettable one.