Transitioning from Grade Four to Five Mathematics: Parent’s Guide Ann Swierzbin Math Coach Chelmsford Public Schools
Standards for Mathematical Practice* from Common Core State Standards Try many times to understand and solve a math problem. Think about a math problem in their head. Make a plan, called a strategy, to solve a problem and discuss strategies of others. Use math symbols and numbers to solve a problem. Check to see if strategy makes sense and calculations are correct. Use what they already know about math to solve a problem. Use a strategy that was used to solve another math problem. All children can: * In student friendly language from
Math is everywhere Discuss how and where you use math Encourage your child to compute, measure, estimate, follow directions, build models, etc. Involve children in cooking, shopping, planning trips, etc. Do math puzzles such as Sudoku and Kenken Play games that require logic, reasoning, and strategy Discuss statistical information (sports data is a good source ) Encourage your child to explain his/her thinking for solving a problem
# 1 expectation of Grade 5 teachers Be fluent in basic math facts Fluency with basic addition and subtraction facts up to 9+9 Fluency with basic multiplication & division facts to 12X12 Know relationship between addition & subtraction. Know relationship between multiplication & division. Add & Subtract Family 4+6=10 or 10 = =10 or 10= =4 or 4= =6 or 6=10-4 EXAMPLE:
What is Fact Fluency? Oral and written recall of basic facts. 30 mixed addition and subtraction facts (or multiplication/division facts) 90% accuracy in 60 seconds.
Fact Fluency Practice min daily ID known & unknown facts Concentrate on a few facts at a time Keep track of progress Keep reinforcing known facts
Practice Makes Permanent! With flash cards With games With websites Choose the best way for your child to practice.
Some Resources Houghton Mifflin Math facts websites Study Island