Preview of Higgs & 4th Family Physics studies Higgs 4th Family of Quarks & Leptons Summary 1
12/13/ /14/ News 2
Hints of Higgs at LHC & Tevatron ? If LHC discovers & studies Higgs (How) would Muon Collider provide more info about the Higgs ? 3
Christophe Grojean SLHC Saclay Feb. 7,
two-candidate-japanese-ilc-sites/ ILC Okinawa 5
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology 1st President 7/2010 Jonathan Dorfan, SLAC Director Emeritus Opening Celebration, 11/19/2011 6
Board of Governors Board of Councilors Fred Gilman Makoto Kobayashi Hirotaka Sugawara Albrecht Wagner + 8
9 Bjorken Higgs-strahlung
Junping Tian KEK Nov. 5,
Eichten 9/
(120) (500) (120) (500) 16
Eichten 9/
Eichten 9/
Eichten 9/
Pythia: 3.6 MeV 4 MeV S. Dawson, arXiv:hep-ph/
Pythia 25
Pythia 26
Next 8 slides 27
L ~ 0.2 fb needed 30 >
L = 2 fb-1 needed 34 > R = 0.01%
Pythia 36
37 Pythia
CLIC Benchmarks 39
New 11/11/2011 DREAM : Towards High Resolution Jet Spectroscopy Richard Wimans, Texas Tech /Research_Techniques_Seminar/Talks/Wigmans.pdf /Research_Techniques_Seminar/Talks/Wigmans.pdf 12/1/2011 Detector and Physics Studies for High Energy Lepton Colliders with ILCroot Simulation Framework Anna Mazzacane, INFN/FNAL 41
Monserrato/Cagliari, Pavia, Pisa, Rende/Calabria, Rome Iowa State, Texas Tech 43
Hints of Higgs at LHC & Tevatron ? If LHC discovers & studies Higgs (How) would Muon Collider provide more info about the Higgs ? Other new physics Numerous new physics searches including 4 th Family of quarks & Leptons 45
First CDF Top Search presentation, 2/23/1989 Results surpassed UA1, UA2. 46
Precision Top future Lepton Collider 47 Beam energy constraint Precision measurements
Beyond the 3 SM generation at the LHC era Workshop CERN, Sept. 4-5, 2008 The strong case for new flavor physics Bob Holdom (Univ. Toronto, Canada) Why the 4SM families Saleh Sultansoy (TOBB UET, Turkey) Source of CPV for Baryon Asymmetry of the universe George Hou (NTU) Experimental Constraints on fourth generation quark masses Marc Sher (WMU) t' b' Searches at CDF, D0, Atlas, CMS Fourth Family and Higgs at Hadron Colliders Serkant Ali Cetin (Dogus U., Istanbul) Lepton Colliders & The fourth family Saleh Sultansoy (TOBB UET, Turkey) CPV in b--> s & bsbar - sbbar transitions George Hou (NTU) New Physics Search at B Factory Paoti Chang (NTU) The fourth family: anomalies in B-CP asymmetries Amarjit Soni (BNL) et. al 48
Second Workshop on Beyond 3 Generation Standard Model New Fermions at the Crossroads of Tevatron & LHC Jan , 2010 National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Summary of the Previous Workshop: the 4 Statements UNEL, Gokhan Approaching a strong fourth family HOLDOM, Bob Four generations and precision constraints PLEHN, Tilman t' b’ searches at CDF, D0, Atlas, CMS Acp(Kpi), A_FB(K*l+l-), D0-mixing, and 4th Generation LACKER, Heiko & NAKAO, Mikihiko Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, quark mass hierarchy, and Fourth Family HASHIMOTO, Michio Leading CP Violation Effect with Four Generations SHEN, Chia-Hsien Super B factory pin down 4th generation parameters PAOLONI, Eugenio & CHANG, Paoti et. al. 49
Two new quark masses 7 new parameters (much less than other non-Standard Models) SM4 Quark Mixing Fourth Generation of Quarks Rukmani Mohanta 1/10/
M t’ Threshold scan, CPV, BAU Y t’ 54
WMAP Too Small in SM CPV in KM B.A.U. from CPV in KM ? Why? Normalize by T ~ 100 GeV is common (unique) area of triangle in SM Masses too Small ! CPV Phase Jarlskog Invariant in SM3 (need 3 generation in KM) Small, but not Too small 55
WMAP Too Small in SM CPV in KM B.A.U. from CPV in KM ? is common (unique) area of triangle in SM CPV Phase If shift by One Generation in SM4 (need 3 generation in KM) Only fac. 30 in CPV per se ~ 10 15 Gain Gain mostly in Large Yukawa Couplings ! WSH, arXiv: [hep/ph] Providence Nature would likely use this !? Enough C PV? 56
Only fac. 30 in CPV per se ~ 10 15 Gain Gain mostly in Large Yukawa Couplings ! b → s → b → d 10 15 quadrangle from comprehensive study WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD05 57
Beyond 500 GeV ILC 58
Heavy Quark Production Cross Section 59
Heavy Lepton Production Cross LEP2 LEP2 Tevatron, LHC 60
Mrenna : 1 page instruction for Generator level Physics Studies 61
Precision 4th Family Muon Collider 63
64 Pythia
t’ b’ t’ -> W b’ -> W W t -> W W W b t’ t’bar -> W W W W W W b bbar t’ -> W b t’ -> t Z t H t X 68
CPV George W.S. Hou (NTU) NCU, Oct 6, Suddenly very few people believed in 4G! 75
P P H cross-section Enhancement 76 X. Ruan, Z. Zhang, arXiv: v2
Branching fractions of SM Higgs decay (HDECAY) 3 Generations4 Generations 77 X. Ruan, Z. Zhang, arXiv: v2
P P H SM4 / SM Branching fraction Cross-section x Branching fraction 78 X. Ruan, Z. Zhang, arXiv: v2
t’ b’ Interesting possibility, active searches in CMS, Atlas Would be best studied at Muon Collider 0.1% beam width Resonances, bound states ? Beam energy-momentum constraint cleaner lepton collider environment, fewer backgrounds than LHC enough events per year 10-degree cone: little physics impact Timing info, longitudinal segmentation may be useful for EM calorimeter and/or < 20 degrees High energy W jets merge 80
Physics Samples LCSIM ILCROOT Simulate & Reconstruct for people to study & analyze Pythia + event generation 81
Summary LHC results Higgs ? h A H H H ? 4th Family of Quarks & Leptons ? If they exist, best studied at Muon Collider Other New Physics ? Study according to LHC results in L ~ 10 for M h= > ~