The Rise of The Russian Empire
Steppe Definition: A plain that is grassy and treeless which has black soil to plant. Taiga Definition: It is a geographical region in Russia which contains a great forest and receives much rainfall.
BYZANTINE EMPIRE / CONSTANTINOPLE Byzantine Empire and Constantinople fall because of the Vikings, German tribes, and Ottoman Turks and slowly turn into the Russian Empire Vikings from Scandinavia used long boats to conduct trade. Vikings invaded and trades into Eastern Europe They created many trade routes The term Viking is customarily used to refer to the Norse explorers, warriors, merchants, and pirates who raided, traded, explored and settled in wide areas of Europe, Asia and the North Atlantic islands from the late 8th to the mid-11th century
Kievan Russia 862 A.D. Rurik the leader of the people of Rus and ancestors to the Vikings of Scandinavia took controls of villages the Baltic Sea and created Russia and made the capital Kiev. Russia was named after Rurik’s people the Rus
Sentence: In Roman times boyars were known as Patricians.
Yaroslav I the Wise Ruled from A.D. He built many churches and introduced Pravada Russkia (Russian Justice) Vladimir I He forced all Russian people to be catholic and destroyed all statues that were not historic or Christian …. All Pagan statues Vladimir the I also made Russia a lot of money because of the Taiga which they were able to group crops (plants and vegetables) in any type of weather. Kievan Rulers passed their towns to their sons and these princes fought among themselves. The Polovtsy or the Mongolians took over and killed many princes.
Mongolians (an Asian Tribe) controlled Russia until 1400 A.D. Some Mongolian tribes split up and created their own countries: Slavs, Polish, and some Russians Prince Ivan the I (the Great Prince) made a deal with the Mongolians to rule a section in Russia called Moscow in the 1300s. Ivan III (Ivan of the Great) A.D. separated from the Mongolians once and for all and made Moscow, Russia powerful. Ivan IV becomes heir of the Roman and Byzantine Empire in 1547 A.D. IVAN THE TERRIBLE
Czar Definition : Title known as Caesar or absolute ruler. “ Third Rome” Definition: Russian proclaimed Moscow to be the Third Rome. Ivan the Terrible He was violent and had a temper. He mother was kidnapped and murdered by boyars. The boyars also murdered his wife. He took the land from the boyars and gave it to his close friends. He also killed his son, for his son trying to stop his rule A.D.
To Be Continued