“Feudalism did not cause warfare; warfare caused feudalism.” Feudal System “Feudalism did not cause warfare; warfare caused feudalism.”
Essential Questions What was the reason that the feudal system developed? What were the different classes of people present in the feudal system? What was expected of each class of people in the feudal system?
Background: Death of Charlemagne The central authority broke down in Europe 1. His death divided the empire back into several smaller kingdoms. 2. Local land owners and nobles came into power. 3. Vikings, magyars (MAG-yahrz), and Muslims invade lands: A. Loot and burn villages B. Kill and terrorize C. Ruin trade, agriculture 4. People had no central power to turn to.
Here come the Vikings Where are they from? What did they look like?
This Helped Create the Feudal System People turn to local lords with large estates for protection. Local leaders sought alliance with fellow nobles. Basis for alliance was exchange of military assistance for land.
Roles in a Feudal System
Roles in a Feudal System Lord (Giver of Fief) -Granted land to less rich nobles in exchange for military service and promise of loyalty. -Promised to protect vassal’s land. -The church also owned manors. Vassals (Receiver of Fief) -A noble who received the land, called fief. -Help lord in battle, pay his ransom if caught. -Provided approx.40 days military service to lord -Helped pay dowry on lord’s daughter.
Roles in a Feudal System 3. Noble Men -Could be a vassal to a number of different lords. -Could grant some of his land or a “fief” to another noble to become a lord himself. -Many trained to be a knight or “mounted warrior.” *Chivalry, code of conduct. *Christian gentleman *Learned to wear armor, ride a war horse and fight weapons *Practiced and entertained in tournaments. Serfs (Peasants) -Lords wealth came from land. Needed people who worked his land. -When lords acquired new land, he also got serfs living on it. -Serfs did not have freedom to leave (or travel without permission) -Tended to Lord’s land (paid taxes) in exchange for protection.
Feudal System
Introduction to the Manor System
Manor System Basic economic system of middle ages. Each lord owned at least one manor. Manors could be owned by nobles or the church. Rested on set of rights and obligation between lord and serfs. 15-30 families lived on a manor. Serf’s life A. No selling children, not considered slaves. B. Lived and died on same manor, rarely travel. C. Simple diet, no meat from lord’s forest D. Believed God wanted them to be serf’s. E. Live in cottages as long as doing the work.
Manor System A Kingdom #1 #3 #6 #9 #8 #4 #2 #7 #10 #5 Few cities to escape to Runaway serfs returned by other lords Bandits, such as Robin Hood, would hide in the forests of manors Manor System A Kingdom #1 #3 #6 #9 #8 #4 #2 #7 #10 #5
Groups will now complete some research on the manor system.