Vikings- What are some things we can predict? Who were the Vikings? 2:36
Come from Scandinavia
Ship builders life of a Viking
Eric the Red
Leif Ericson’s Travels leif vs chris Viking- mankind story of US 2:39 White flag- 1:04 Atlantic World 1490 What do we use spices for today?
Marco Polo Animated hero classics
Silk Road mankind- silk road
Which is more valuable? Gold? Salt? salt mankind
Why Was Salt so important? No refrigerators- kept food from spoiling Army would have provisions and food if they went on a trip Same with explorers!
Renaissance People explored older ideas Art, clothing, architecture all changed!
Technology Astrolabe Compass
Gunpowder mankind gunpowder to guns
Which Route is the fastest?
Prince Henry and Navigation School discovery education- Portugal explorers
Bartholomew Dias What happens when two oceans meet?
Vasco De Gama
Christopher Columbus 1. Where was he trying to go? 2. What was the difference between his voyage and other explorers?
Pedro Alvarez Cabral Claimed South America for Portugal
Balboa Proved that Columbus HAD NOT reached India and there was another ocean in the way. Walked across Panama- Hardships??
On a piece of paper, write a short paragraph explaining: What do you want to do that no one has ever done? How can you accomplish that goal?
Magellan King Charles of Spain supported plan 1519 left with 5 ships, 250 men “We ate old biscuits that were nothing but dust and worms…we drank water that was yellow and stinking. We also ate ox hides and sawdust.” 1522 returned with 1 ship, 17 men and a fortune in spices Extreme expeditions- Lib book, United Streaming
CONQUISTADORS were Spanish soldiers that followed Columbus to the West Indies
After Columbus reached the America’s…. Other Spanish explorers and Conquistadors sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. Looking for 3 G’s!!!! GLORY GOD GOLD
Hernan Cortes 1519 led soldiers to Mexico Conquered Aztec Empire Helped by Indians who hoped to become free but traded Aztec rule for Spanish Rule Aztec Encounter, Montezuma and Cortes
1533- Conquered Incan Empire in Peru Inca Empire very rich Pizzaro sent riches home to Spain Pizzaro= Peru= Inca Francisco Pizzaro
/29574-assignment-discovery-pizarro-and- the-incas-video.htm Discovery education- Conquest of the Americas 23 minutes
Sailed with Columbus to Puerto Rico Wanted to reach “Fountain of Youth” Landed in Florida- the land of flowers Ponce De Leon
1539 led people in the American Southeast Looking for Seven Cities of gold First explorer to cross Mississippi Left in 1539 with 600 men Returned in 1543 with 311 men Hernando De Soto
1540 led group to Southwest looking for gold Met lots of different Indian tribes and got along with them Saw Grand Canyon, Great Basin and the Plains Coronado= Colorado Francisco Coronado
m/videos/the-most- fountain-of- youth?cmpid=MRSS_ Bing_HIS#coronados- hunt-for-gold
St Augustine- USA oldest city!!!
Walked from Mexico to California to spread Christianity San Diego to San Francisco 21 Missions all within days walk Junipero Serra
Spain claimed lots of land Split into 2 colonies New Spain and Peru Colonies are a place ruled by another place mon_assets/socialstudies/in_ motion_09/taj/09taj_p044.s wf
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PEOPLE THERE? Slavery Death from diseases Since all Indians are dying, they start buying slaves from Africa Starts Slave trade