ALL EAST SUSSEX CCGS’ GOVERNING BODIES, AND COUNTY COUNCIL DMTs East Sussex’s four health and social care commissioning organisations (the three CCGs and.


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Presentation transcript:

ALL EAST SUSSEX CCGS’ GOVERNING BODIES, AND COUNTY COUNCIL DMTs East Sussex’s four health and social care commissioning organisations (the three CCGs and the County Council) together spend around £935 million every year on services for local people. Our budget is likely to stay about the same, but demand and the costs of care will continue to rise, so we have a real challenge to make sure we continue to meet people’s needs. We know that if we don’t change the way we organise services to better meet need, our speed of access and the quality of care will suffer. So we have an urgent and important job to do. We all need to work together to make sure we spend 100% of that £935 million, funded by tax payers, better and more effectively so that every penny really counts. East Sussex Better Together is our 150 week programme to help us work together so we can ensure high quality and affordable care now and for future generations. We want to lessen our reliance on acute services and invest much more in high quality primary and community services to ensure this support is more readily available for local people. Our shared vision is that within 3 years there will be a fully integrated health and social care economy in East Sussex that makes sure our population receives proactive, joined up care and supporting everyone to live as independently as possible. EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE HWLH GB HWLH GB EHS GB EHS GB HR GB HR GB ESCC DMTs ESCC DMTs PROGRAMME BOARD BTIC SMT CEC INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) ESBT INNOVATION PANEL BTIC: BETTER TOGETHER AND INTEGRATED COMMISSIONING GROUP CCG: CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP CEC:CLINICAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DMTs:DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENT TEAMS EHS:EASTBOURNE HAILSHAM AND SEAFORD ESCC:EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL GB:GOVERNING BODY HR:HASTINGS AND ROTHER HWLH:HIGH WEALD LEWES HAVENS SMT:SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM GLOSSARY EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER OVERVIEW EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER OVERVIEW Reports to: Info Sharing: ESBT Meeting Single Org. Meeting:.. 17 WORKSTREAMS AND ENABLERS

PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAMME BOARD The programme board provides system leadership, collaboration and oversight in a way that enables the CCGs and ESCC to work together with partners to create and agree the scope of the programme that will be detailed in a five year strategy and reflected in commissioners’ individual strategies and plans. The Board ensures comprehensive stakeholder engagement in the co-design of plans, wide communication about the programme, and timely implementation planning for service transformation as an integral part of the programme to ensure delivery. WHAT COMES TO THE PROGRAMME BOARD? The Programme Board receives regular reports on progress against plans and any agreed key milestones and to ensure contingency plans are established and if necessary implemented. The Programme Board has delegated responsibility to deliver the outcomes within the programme scope. Decision making powers in relation to organisationally specific plans remain reserved to the individual CCG Governing Bodies and East Sussex County Council. REPORTING FLOWS The programme board receives updates and has direct oversight on all key workstreams under East Sussex Better Together, and reports directly into the CCGs’ Governing Bodies and ESSC’s Department Management Teams. EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER PROGRAMME BOARD EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER PROGRAMME BOARD ALL EAST SUSSEX CCGS’ GOVERNING BODIES, AND COUNTY COUNCIL DMTs HWLH GB HWLH GB EHS GB EHS GB HR GB HR GB ESCC DMTs ESCC DMTs PROGRAMME BOARD BTIC SMT CEC INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) ESBT INNOVATION PANEL BTIC: BETTER TOGETHER AND INTEGRATED COMMISSIONING GROUP CCG: CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP CEC:CLINICAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DMTs:DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENT TEAMS EHS:EASTBOURNE HAILSHAM AND SEAFORD ESCC:EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL GB:GOVERNING BODY HR:HASTINGS AND ROTHER HWLH:HIGH WEALD LEWES HAVENS SMT:SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM GLOSSARY Reports to: Info Sharing: ESBT Meeting Single Org. Meeting:.. 17 WORKSTREAMS AND ENABLERS

PURPOSE OF THE IPDG provide s a forum for developing and agreeing procurement arrangements, manage contract delivery and performance management and develop supplier relationships which add value to the delivery of the strategic and financial vision for health and social care in East Sussex (ESBT) Provides overall commissioned services and to develop integrated supply management strategies that reflects the priorities of the CCGs, Local Authority, and the Health and Well Being Board. Manages and review individual and collective integrated investment and make recommendations in conjunction with the Integrated Strategic Commissioning Group on joint investment which will deliver the strategic objectives of ESBT. WHAT COMES TO THE IPDG Following agreement of service specification, by the Integrated Strategic Planning Group, all system-wide initiatives are passed to the IPDG who will oversee the procurement arrangements and performance management of those contracts. Proposals to renew, expand, amend, or decommission current services or contracts that have a system-wide impact. REPORTING FLOWS The IPDG works closely with the Integrated Strategic Planning Group, and reports directly to the ESBT Programme Board. EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE ESBT INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) ESBT INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) ALL EAST SUSSEX CCGS’ GOVERNING BODIES, AND COUNTY COUNCIL DMTs HWLH GB HWLH GB EHS GB EHS GB HR GB HR GB ESCC DMTs ESCC DMTs PROGRAMME BOARD BTIC SMT CEC INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) ESBT INNOVATION PANEL BTIC: BETTER TOGETHER AND INTEGRATED COMMISSIONING GROUP CCG: CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP CEC:CLINICAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DMTs:DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENT TEAMS EHS:EASTBOURNE HAILSHAM AND SEAFORD ESCC:EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL GB:GOVERNING BODY HR:HASTINGS AND ROTHER HWLH:HIGH WEALD LEWES HAVENS SMT:SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM GLOSSARY Reports to: Info Sharing: ESBT Meeting Single Org. Meeting:.. 17 WORKSTREAMS AND ENABLERS

PURPOSE OF ISPG Provides overall strategic direction and develops integrated commissioning strategies that reflect the priorities of the CCGs, ESCC, and the Health and Well Being Board. Provides a forum for developing and agreeing proposals for investment (time or resource), and is responsible for agreeing Project Charters, PIDs, Business Cases and Service Specifications. makes recommendations to the Programme Board on joint investment that will deliver the strategic objectives of ESBT. WHAT COMES TO THE ISPG New project proposals that have been scored by the ESBT Innovation Panel and are recommended for investment (time or resource). New proposals for a project expansion or contract variation where a pilot or project running in a single CCG area or condition would benefit from expansion to a wider area or series of conditions (e.g from COPD, to diabetes) This group also reviews service areas across the county (e.g. a review of all diabetes and diabetes related services) with the aim of ensuring best practice and reducing variation in quality, streamlining commissioning, and achieving economies of scale. Once all stages of a new project are agreed, including service specification, the project is passed to the IPDG for delivery and performance management. REPORTING FLOWS: The ISPG reports directly to the Programme Board and recommends areas for investment. The ESBT innovation panel reports directly to the ISPG. EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE ESBT INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) ESBT INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) ALL EAST SUSSEX CCGS’ GOVERNING BODIES, AND COUNTY COUNCIL DMTs HWLH GB HWLH GB EHS GB EHS GB HR GB HR GB ESCC DMTs ESCC DMTs PROGRAMME BOARD BTIC SMT CEC INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) ESBT INNOVATION PANEL BTIC: BETTER TOGETHER AND INTEGRATED COMMISSIONING GROUP CCG: CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP CEC:CLINICAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DMTs:DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENT TEAMS EHS:EASTBOURNE HAILSHAM AND SEAFORD ESCC:EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL GB:GOVERNING BODY HR:HASTINGS AND ROTHER HWLH:HIGH WEALD LEWES HAVENS SMT:SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM GLOSSARY Reports to: Info Sharing: ESBT Meeting Single Org. Meeting:.. 17 WORKSTREAMS AND ENABLERS

PURPOSE The ESBT transformation programme is not a single programme, but many different aligned projects, programmes and workstreams. These include: The SIX BOXES, for which four key workstreams have been established (Streamlined Points of Access; Integrated Health and Social Care Teams; Primary Care led Urgent Care; Self-care, Self-management, Prevention) The ‘PLUS TWO’ boxes (Medicines Optimisation; Planned Care) NINE ENABLERS Communications and Engagement Group: Responsible for Stakeholder, Patient And Public Engagement, All communications content and materials. ESBT Programme Board: ensures appropriate governance and decision making through oversight of the programme and all workstreams Integrated Strategic Planning Group: Applying whole- system-whole-county strategic planning and consideration to new projects, contracts and services ESBT Innovation Panel: Channelling innovation and research to explore new concepts and solutions with partners and providers Financial Subgroup: Overseeing financial planning,joint risk sharing and joint investment Workforce Subgroup: TBC (workforce planning) East Sussex Informatics Group: Ensuring cohesion and interoperability of all IM&T projects and innovations Provider Impact Assessment Group: (oversight on provider landscape) Primary Care Strategy Groups: primary care strategy EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE ESBT SEVENTEEN WORKSTREAMS AND ENABLERS (ESBT-17) ESBT SEVENTEEN WORKSTREAMS AND ENABLERS (ESBT-17) ALL EAST SUSSEX CCGS’ GOVERNING BODIES, AND COUNTY COUNCIL DMTs HWLH GB HWLH GB EHS GB EHS GB HR GB HR GB ESCC DMTs ESCC DMTs PROGRAMME BOARD BTIC SMT CEC INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) ESBT INNOVATION PANEL BTIC: BETTER TOGETHER AND INTEGRATED COMMISSIONING GROUP CCG: CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP CEC:CLINICAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DMTs:DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENT TEAMS EHS:EASTBOURNE HAILSHAM AND SEAFORD ESCC:EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL GB:GOVERNING BODY HR:HASTINGS AND ROTHER HWLH:HIGH WEALD LEWES HAVENS SMT:SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM GLOSSARY Reports to: Info Sharing: ESBT Meeting Single Org. Meeting:.. 17 WORKSTREAMS AND ENABLERS

PURPOSE OF THE ESBT INNOVATION PANEL Provides a cohesive and efficient process for driving innovation and progressing project/investment requests, across the county. This includes assessing new ideas, and also working with stakeholders to encourage new thinking in directed areas where there may be gaps in service. WHAT COMES TO THE ESBT INNOVATION PANEL All new ‘ideas’, ‘innovations’ or ‘proposals’ that Have an impact, or may have an impact across the system, not restricted to a single locality or CCG are Require new investment (may not be financial Does not constitute a contract variation (should be directed to the Integrated Performance and Delivery Group for review on current performance and potential benefits) REPORTING FLOWS The ESBT innovation panel will receive ideas from a variety of sources, including staff, providers, partnership groups, and innovation or stakeholder events. The panel reports directly to the Integrated Strategic Planning Group (ISPG), but has strong information and signposting links with all workstreams. The panel makes recommendations to the ISPG regarding ideas which may be considered for implementation and ensure sthat ideas are shared and considered for each CCG area in East Sussex, as well as the county as a whole EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE EAST SUSSEX BETTER TOGETHER GOVERNANCE AND DECISION MAKING STRUCTURE ESBT INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) ESBT INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE AND DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) ALL EAST SUSSEX CCGS’ GOVERNING BODIES, AND COUNTY COUNCIL DMTs HWLH GB HWLH GB EHS GB EHS GB HR GB HR GB ESCC DMTs ESCC DMTs PROGRAMME BOARD BTIC SMT CEC INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE & DELIVERY GROUP (IPDG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) INTEGRATED STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (ISPG) ESBT INNOVATION PANEL BTIC: BETTER TOGETHER AND INTEGRATED COMMISSIONING GROUP CCG: CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP CEC:CLINICAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DMTs:DEPARTMENTAL MANAGEMENT TEAMS EHS:EASTBOURNE HAILSHAM AND SEAFORD ESCC:EAST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL GB:GOVERNING BODY HR:HASTINGS AND ROTHER HWLH:HIGH WEALD LEWES HAVENS SMT:SENIOR MANAGEMENT TEAM GLOSSARY Reports to: Info Sharing: ESBT Meeting Single Org. Meeting:.. 17 WORKSTREAMS AND ENABLERS