Good morning everybody! I would like to introduce myself as Dr.Brinda Venkatraman, from Mumbai, India. I belong to a healing ministry called Paramjit singh ministries, Power of love association in Mumbai. I witness several healings in our ministry. I managed to document a few of them. Here, I am presenting the healing of Sagar Dhaktode who has been healed of Acute lymphatic leukemia.
PARAMJIT SINGH MINISTRIES Power Of Love Association Healing Of Sagar Dhaktode Presented by: Dr. Brinda Venkatraman, MD Professor & Head – Department of Physiology Topiwala National Medical College & BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai, India Aarti Apts, Flat No.01 (ground floor), Yari Road, Versova, Andheri (West), Mumbai – Contacts: / /
In 2002, when Sagar was 4 years old he went to his physician with the following complaints: High fever for a month Extreme weakness Pain in the abdomen Cough since 2 weeks
O/E Pallor ++ High grade intermittent fever + Pulse - 110/min Respiratory Rate – 20/min Generalized lymphadenopathy +
CVS - NAD RS - Bilateral Crepitations + CNS - NAD Abdomen - Tenderness + Liver ++ Spleen ++ No free fluid
INVESTIGATIONS CBC LFT RFT Serum electrolytes X-ray chest PA view HIV HBCAg HLV Bone marrow aspiration
His CBC report showed a tremendous increase in the WBC count with the peripheral smear showing abnormal cells (95% blast cells) His family physician referred him to Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital for further management.
He was investigated at Tata Hospital and was diagnosed as suffering from acute lymphoblastic leukemia after bone marrow aspiration studies. The test reports are as follows:
He was treated for his condition. In spite of the treatment his health continued to deteriorate. The doctors at Tata Hospital informed his parents that his condition was serious and he was given just 6 months to live.
Sagar’s parents brought him with great hope to one of the healing crusades conducted by Senior Pastor Paramjit Singh in Mumbai. At the crusade, Pastor got a Word of Knowledge that cancer is being healed.
Sagar and his family were brought forward and prayed upon by Pastor Paramjit Singh. Since then Sagar’s mother continuously took prayers from Pastor Paramjit before every chemotherapy session.
The treatment was successful and devoid of any side - effects. He is now cancer free and lives a perfectly healthy life in the mighty name of Jesus!
I would like to present a small video clip in which Sagar’s mother is testifying the healing. Video presentation please.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this is a small testimony to glorify our Lord. As doctors, we know that if we pray before starting the treatment of our patients, God does wonders and patients are healed miraculously.