48 th Commencement Thursday, May 26, 2016 Clark Athletic Center Graduate Degrees Friday, May 27, 2016 TD Garden, Boston Undergraduate Degrees UNIVERSITY EVENTS AND CEREMONIES
4,121 total graduates (December 2015, May 2016, August 2016) 2,907 Bachelors 1,214 Masters, Post-Masters Certificates, and Doctorate (56 Doctoral participating) University Events
Honorees – May 26 Honorary Degree and Chancellor’s Medal Jerry White (key note), Chancellor’s Medal Chief Justice Roderick Ireland, Doctor of Laws Susan Mboya, Doctor of Science Student Speakers Jacob Kariuki, PhD candidate, College of Nursing and Health Sciences University Events
University Events May 26 Timeline 1:00pm – Graduates arrive to Rink, Gym open for guest arrival 2:30pm – Student procession, followed by faculty and stage party 3:00pm – Commencement ceremony begins all students have name read, walk to receive diploma cover, photo with Dean 5:30pm (approx.) Ceremony ends
University Events May 26: What does this mean to me? STAFFING: The University is OPEN. A call for staff help has gone out, with a sign up form, and assignments will be given based on responses. PARKING ON CAMPUS: Please know that traffic will be heavy leaving campus between 5:00pm – 6:00pm on May 26. Plan accordingly. GETTING IN: Due to capacity and fire code issues all staff working will be credentialed, and only certain staff will be allowed inside the gym. ASSIGNMENT AND DETAILS: Staff and their supervisors will be notified on May 16, detailed instructions of duties and timeline to be provided.
University Events May 27 Timeline 7:00am – Graduates arrive to Legends entrance, venue open for guest arrival 8:45am – Student procession, followed by faculty and stage party 9:30 am – Commencement ceremony begins all students have name read, walk to receive diploma cover, photo with Dean 1:30pm (approx.) Ceremony ends
Honorees – May 27 May 27: Honorary Degree and Chancellor’s Medal Congressman Seth Moulton, Chancellor’s Medal Suzanne Lee, Doctor of Laws Congressman Louis Stokes (posthumous), Doctor of Science Faculty Honorees Distinguished Service: Jan Mutchler, Gerontology Distinguished Teaching: Shirley Tang, Asian American Studies Distinguished Scholarship: David Levy, Management and Marketing Student Speaker Alex Winnett, JFK Award, College of Science and Math University Events
University Events May 27: Again, what about me? STAFFING: The University is OPEN. A call for staff help has gone out, with a sign up form, and assignments will be given based on responses. GETTING THERE: Parking is limited. North Station is right there – commuter rail, orange and green lines. We will offer shuttles to/from campus for the stage party, faculty and staff working that day. GETTING IN: Due to capacity and fire code issues everyone working or attending will have to have a ticket. ASSIGNMENT AND DETAILS: Staff and their supervisors will be notified on May 16, detailed instructions of duties and timeline to be provided.
University Events Helping Students - FAQs: - Cap, gown, invitations and tickets at Campus Center Bookstore through May 20 (doctoral in Grad Studies in Quinn) - Name will be called, shake hand with Dean, and photo - Using “Marching Order” to read names – bring CARD! - Diplomas mailed in August for May graduates - Yes we are doing our best to make it shorter than last year
University Events QUESTIONS?