THE EDWARDIAN AGE Queen Victoria died in She was succeeded by her son Edward, who became king as Edward VII. He reigned until his death in He took the Germanic surname …………………………. from his father. Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
He paved the way for the …………….. He founded the …………… An agreement reached by France and Britain in 1904 which ……………………………………………… He was the first British monarch to visit …………. He restored energy to the monarchy, which had been rather gloomy since his father’s death. Entente Cordiale. settled outstanding colonial disputes. Russia. Order of Merit to reward those who distinguished themselves in ………………... ………………… science, art and literature.
In 1906 the won the general election. Despite these important measures, the Edwardian age was also a period of Liberals They took the first steps towards the creation of a welfare state with the introduction of national insurance and old-age pensions. social unrest. There were violent strikes because of high prices and low wages fought for the right to vote. Some women They were called Suffragettes.
THE SUFFRAGETTES They were mainly educated ladies who wanted women to have the right to vote. They started to attract attention when Emmeline Pankurst founded the Women’s Social and Political Union in They demanded public attention for their cause.
They demanded public attention for their cause. HOW? They organised marches. In different ways. They interrupted political meetings. They chained themselves to railings. They broke windows. They insulted policemen. They burnt churches. In 1913 one suffragette, Emily Davison, died at a famous horse-race as she rushed out to bring down the king's horse. Many suffragettes were arrested and in prison they went on hunger strikes.
THE SUFFRAGETTES ……… proved to be the turning point for the campaign.World War I When the First World War broke out in 1914, the Suffragettes stopped their campaign of civil disobedience and supported the government and its war effort in every way. THEREFORE At the end of the war, in 1918, the government granted the right to vote to women over 30. As men went to war, women proved indispensable in the fields and factories. It was only in 1928 that men and women were put on an equal position, when the franchise was extended to include women over 21.
Edward VII died in He was succeeded by his son George, who became …………… George V. He reigned until his death in He became the first monarch of the House of …………, which he renamed from the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha as a result of anti-German feeling. Windsor He was a popular king for his informality and straightforward character.
In 1914 the First World War …………….. He played a conciliatory role in He made several visits to troops and to hospitals. He carried out his royal responsibility with exemplary dedication. broke out. The General Strike of Home Rule for Ireland.
HOME RULE for IRELAND Home Rule is the right of the people to control their own affairs. HOWEVER Support for Home Rule for Ireland had grown in the late 19 th century. It was opposed by the …………… in the North and by the …………………… Unionists Conservative Party.
HOME RULE for IRELAND In 1916 there was a rebellion in Dublin (called the ………………), which led to a war of independence. In 1922 The Irish Free State (later to become the Republic of Ireland) was established, while Northern Ireland remained in the United Kingdom. Easter Rising