Differentiation Presented by Redwood Teachers
Differentiation in a Nutshell Differentiated Instruction is multiple ways to structure a lesson so that each student is challenged at an appropriate level. It may include such features as: Learner centeredness Planned assignments and lessons based on pre-assessments Flexible grouping Materials, resources, and pacing
Differentiation is a fantastic model for teaching not only gifted students, but students of all ability levels, in the same classroom. In a differentiated curriculum there are adaptations of content, process, and concepts to meet a higher level of expectation appropriate for advanced learners..
Teachers at Redwood are asking themselves: In what ways do I incorporate higher-order thinking skills(analysis, synthesis and evaluation) in my classroom?
How do both curriculum and instruction in my classes differ from that which is offered in regular classrooms at the same grade level in my school?
In what ways do I provide for accelerated instruction or enrichment when a student is academically advanced in a skill or problem area, or keenly interested in a particular topic, issue, or problem?
Teachers in the English Department Differentiate By….. Students select novel and self select vocabulary words Students are encouraged to go beyond writing requirements for length Students are encouraged to participate in the Reflections Contest which gives them an opportunity to do more advanced work. Read advanced supplemental literature
……In the Math Department Scaffolding instruction on a daily basis stimulate inquiry connected to higher level mathematics. (Geometry, Statistics, Trigonometry) Mini project options and computer programs to model problem solving and computation practice. Specific concepts and equations are connected to real everyday life Connecting math to other subjects especially science
….In the Science Department Interactive Notebook gives GATE students an opportunity to add research, graphs, and writing. Extended Lab Projects are encouraged Bridge Building, design project, and the Trebuchet project are all part of the curriculum
…In the Social Studies Department Students are given tiered assignments with varied levels of difficulty Students are expected to respond to open ended questions and write essays Socratic seminars are used to encourage critical thinking Primary source documents and data based questions encourage analysis and evaluation
….In the Math Department Key math vocabulary is defined, discussed and applied daily Advanced word problem interpretations involving writing and deductive reasoning (all levels) Geometry Honors in 8 th grade at Redwood Collaborative Critical Thinking Problem Solving in flexible groups
Strategies Used at Redwood that Support Differentiation Cornell Notes Basic questioning and intro into Costa’s Inquiry Costa, Bloom, Kaplan, and Webb Relationships Summarization and deductive conclusions writing
Differentiation Strategies Embedded Into Group Work Dialectical journals writing Interactive Notebooks writing Weekly Reflections writing Four Corners Debate Literature
In the Classroom At Redwood…. Different modalities in teaching and assignments is taking place in every classroom Students are challenged by higher order thinking skills Socratic seminars are used to encourage critical thinking
Subject Related Opportunities We the People – Social Studies Challenge Problems - Math Museum of Tolerance – English Extended Lab Projects – Science Strings program - Elective Honors band - Elective Lunch time clubs - Chess club, Club Journalism, Intramurals
Additional Activities Redwood offers…. Odyssey of the Mind Reflections Student Congress Thinking Cap (6 th grade) Knowledge Master Open (7 th /8 th grade) Journalism
Parents You Can Support Redwood Teachers Extend school topics with discussion, films, and internet searches Answer their questions with a question and if they don’t know the answer have them find it Relate all subjects to real life Suggestions?
Redwood Teachers are… Dedicated to learning….. Our goal is to provide our students with the best teaching methods…. To reach all learners with challenging opportunities…. So they become highly educated and successful individuals fully prepared for their future