Building 21 st Century Skills and proficiency in Spanish classes Maggie Roll Hazard Middle & High School, Jenkins distance learning
Grant proposal Grant funds would enable me to attend the KWLA conference for ideas to improve my Spanish curriculum. Curriculum improvements will incorporate 21 st century skills & performance based assessments. Students will demonstrate increased proficiency in linguistic & cultural competencies through lessons that are personalized, learner centered, & media driven.
Action plan
Researching the issues… What is proficiency & how is it measured? Linguafolio
Researching the issues… What are 21 st Century Skills?
Global Competency & the Program Review Proficient Score- “curriculum provides regular opportunities for students to practice 21 st century critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, problem- solving and communication skills and to connect these to real-world experiences” (KDE World Language / Global Competency Program Review). Evidence does not have to be all exceptional student work; it should show that ALL students have access to developing proficiency in these skills.
Global Competencies demonstrated through Performance Based Assessment Students investigate the world beyond their immediate environment. Students recognize their own and others’ perspectives. Students communicate their ideas effectively with diverse audiences. Students translate their ideas and findings into appropriate actions to improve conditions. “global competence matrices”
Selena Quintanilla: Chicano biculturalism –can imbed pictures & video Most students chose to present their projects using the free public version of Prezi. Prezi is similar to Power point in that you can imbed photos or videos. 2 groups chose to research Shakira and her pies descalzos barefoot foundation. Since I can’t link to websites, I can’t show you a complete student prezi presentation, but if you me, I can share a link to one.
Conclusions: My original vision was more than I could accomplish in one year, but I’m off to a good start in emphasizing 21 st century skills & performance based assessment in my curriculum.
¡Gracias, ARI! Maggie me for more information or for a copy of the Íconos con una causa project description.