From Mental Health Policy to the Provision of Care: Challenges for INGOs in Liberia Jane Gilbert Independent Consultant Psychologist
Demographics Tropical climate 200” rain Population 3.8 million Under 15 47% Over 60 4% Average Life expectancy 45years 7 main ethnic groups Official language English
Demographics Child deaths under per 1000 Population in poverty 83.7%
Brief History 1500’s - Portuguese came to the West Coast of Africa to trade in resources and in people 1800s - Emancipation of slaves. American Colonization Society decided to send freed slaves back to Africa January first group of freed slaves arrived near Monrovia
nation of Liberia was founded but conflicts between Settlers and indigenous Liberians regarding land. Mistrust and animosity continued up to the recent war Indigenous people allowed to be citizens of Liberia but excluded from political power riots over food overthrow of the Settler government by indigenous Liberians. Key Americo-Liberians were executed in public USA withdrew support for the country
corrupt and repressive military rule under Samuel K. Doe 1989 December - civil war launched by Charles Taylor 1997 Elections - Taylor won but plundered Liberia’s resources, civil war continued A peace accord was signed, setting up a transitional government with UN UN peacekeepers (UNMIL), 15,000 still in place 2005 presidential elections - President Ellen Johnson- Sirleaf first woman President in Africa
2005 – 100,000 combatants disarmed 2006, March – Taylor arrested, now currently on trial in The Hague for abuses in Sierra Leone 2006 – Truth and Reconciliation Commission established