The Sound Management of Chemicals (SMC) is essential if we are to achieve sustainable development and the Millennium Development Goals – SMC has a bearing on all MDGs and is not limited to MGD-7 (Environmental Sustainability) Insufficient capacity and knowledge on how to incorporate Sound Management of Chemicals into MDG- based national plans and policy/planning frameworks Increased risks for human beings and the environment
W HAT IS MAINSTREAMING ? A ND WHY ? A strategy for translating health and environmental effects of inadequacies in management of chemicals into a language that is being understood by development and finance ministries. Why? 1.International recognition that in order to advance the sound management of chemicals – much stronger links with the development planning processes need to be established 2.To ensure a broader financial basis for sound management of chemicals by fostering national budget commitments as well as bi-lateral support
Could be described as: Integration of SMC related priorities into a country’s development plans, but also into sector strategies, local level implementation and programmes. “MAINSTREAMING SMC” involves establishing the links between poverty and SMC: e.g. improved human and environmental health e.g. increased economic security and income opportunities for the poor And subsequently identifying the policies and programmes needed to bring about pro-poor chemical management. M AINSTREAMING SMC
Overall aim of MAINSTREAMING : Establish enduring institutional processes within government ministries and the wider stakeholder community to achieve the Sound Management of Chemicals Focusing on the government bodies responsible for poverty reduction and growth policies, while strengthening the role of environmental agencies and NGOs. M AINSTREAMING SMC
Facilitate integration of the SMC into national development planning based upon poverty- environment linkages Optimize and complement interventions at the country level in the area of chemicals management (building upon past and on-going initiatives), recognizing links with national priorities, processes and plans Bring together partners for cross-sectoral governance A DVANCING S OUND M ANAGEMENT OF C HEMICALS : UNDP-UNEP P ARTNERSHIP I NITIATIVE
M APPING THE M AINSTREAMING P ROCESS In conceptualizing the Partnership Initiative UNDP and UNEP contemplated the steps that countries typically go through to advance their national SMC regimes. These steps can be described generically as follows:
Guidance materials and tools on mainstreaming SMC developped based on SMC mainstreaming methodology UNDP/UNEP E XPERIENCE : M AINSTREAMING SMC Strong UNDP Country Office involvement, National Project Execution UNDP/UNEP SMC Mainstreaming projects have been developed and funded for 12 pilot countries: Belarus, Belize, Cambodia, Ecuador, Honduras, Laos PDR, Liberia, FYR Macedonia, Mauritania, Mauritius, Uganda & Zambia
O N -L INE R ESOURCES FOR M AINSTREAMING SMC UNDP Website: UNDP Technical Guide for Integrating the Sound Management of Chemicals in MDG-Based Policies & Plans The UNDP - UNEP Partnership Initiative on the Integration of the Sound Management of Chemicals into MDG-based national plans How is the Sound Management of Chemicals related to the MDGs? UNEP Website: Views of Developing Countries and CEITs on the Issue of Mainstreaming (Integrating) SMC Priorities into Development Planning Mainstreaming Sound Management of Chemicals into Development Planning: Background and Rationale Development and Testing of Guidance on Economic Instruments