How to Cite a Magazine Article Steve Poppino CSI Library 6/12/2012
This is how a magazine article citation looks when you copy it from MasterFILE Premier. It needs some work.
In APA style, start with the author: Last name first, followed by initials. This article has three authors. Type a comma after the first two and the & before the last one.
Next comes the date of the issue of the journal. For a weekly magazine, include the month, day, and year. The year comes first, because it is an important part of in-text citations.
Next comes the title of the article. Notice that for this title, only the first word gets a capital letter.
Next comes the title of the magazine. All the main words are capitalized, and in italics.
Now type the page numbers of the article. No need for the volume and issue numbers for a weekly magazine.
If you found this article in a paper copy of People, this is all the information that you need to cite it.
If you found this article online, either on the People website or in a Library database, finish the citation with the URL of the magazine. It does not matter whether or not you can actually open the article at this website without a subscription. To the APA, this is the “online home” of this article.