Earthworks Earth Art, Land Art, Earthworks
What are Earthworks? Earthworks are mainly sculptural artwork created in nature, using such materials as stones, dirt, and leaves. Some Earthworks refer to phenomena such as the slow process of erosion or to the movement of planets, stars, or the sun. Some earthworks are intended to help us to better understand nature, or to understand the differences between nature and civilization.
Mud Man sculpture in The Lost Gardens of Heligan of Cornwall, England.
Spiral Jetty Robert Smithson, 1970 (Artist created a coil 1,500 feet long and 15 feet wide out of black basalt rocks and dirt from the site in the Great Salt Lake, Utah.)
Broken Circle Robert Smithson, 1971 (Emmen, Holland, white and yellow sand flats, diameter 140 feet, width of canal 12 feet.)
The Lightning Field Walter De Maria, 1977 (400 lightning rods in New Mexico)
Storm King Wall Andy Goldsworthy, , sculpture in field stone in New York, 5 x 2,278 feet overall.
Two Oak Stacks Andy Goldsworthy, 2003, two large balls of stacked and knitted oak sticks in New York.
The Gates Central Park, New York, (A total of 7,503 gates made of orange fabric were placed on paths in Central Park, 16½ feet high and 23 miles long.)
Your Final Project: Create a model of an Earthwork you would create for this school 1.) You will go outside (weather permitting) and find a spot you’d like an Earthwork sculpture to be. Sketch your ideas. 2.) Tuesday – you will create a model of the land and your Earthwork sculpture out of play dough and other materials. 3.) Monday, June 6 – All painting, etc. must be finished on model. 4.) Tuesday, June 7 – Earthworks Art Model and Sketch DUE!!! Critique and reflection.