Neolithic Era By: Rachel And Dakota
Jobs Available Food Supply Trade Shelter Community Hmm Jobs? I wonder if someone could show me what they Neolithic's did in these jobs. . Jobs Available Food Supply Trade Shelter Community
Jobs Available Food Supply Trade Shelter Community Sure! Follow me, I will be showing you the following jobs. food supply, trade, shelter, and community . Oh hello, can you get me a job or show me what you do? Jobs Available Food Supply Trade Shelter Community
Food Supply In the Paleolithic times, they had to constantly travel because if they lived in a area for an amount of time food would grow scarce so theycould no longer live there. We find these cows and we will hunt them and they will give us a stable food supply and we also harvest crops Well nick, what is the next job?
Trade In the Paleolithic times all they did was plant crops and hunted animals so they didn’t have what others needed that is why they Paleolithic's didn’t trade often Neolithic people were very skilled in crafts and they wanted materials to improve the beauty and strength of they things that they created. They also traveled hundreds of miles to search for the materials that they desired
Shelter In the Paleolithic age, they would have temporary shelters because they didn’t have enough food or resources to live In the Neolithic age, the first great change was permanent shelters that would be safe and they were permanent because Neolithics began to have food supply so they would never run out of food so they wouldn’t have to worry about finding animals.
Community In the Paleolithic age, they weren't able to create community's because they didn’t have enough materials to begin a community In the Neolithic age, 20 to 60 people would live in a community they would divide up work to be more efficient some built houses , grew crops, made houses and tools