This training is conducted by the National Food Service Management Institute The University of Mississippi
Select the Correct Statement 1 Children are required to eat all of their food, throw plates in the trash can, and transition to a new activity.
Select the Correct Statement 2 Children with food allergies are allowed to eat food that can cause an allergic reaction.
Select the Correct Statement 3 Children sit and eat lunch with their teacher, conversing about their recent field trip to the zoo.
Happy Mealtimes Highlight Creating a Pleasant Environment The Picky Eater Managing Food Allergies Family Style Dining, Conversations, and Etiquette
Lesson 1 Creating a Pleasant Environment
Creating a Pleasant Environment Topics Scheduling Regular Meals Creating a Routine Transition Activities Creating a Pleasant Mealtime Environment
Scheduling Regular Meals Meals include: Breakfast Morning snack Lunch Afternoon snack Dinner Evening snack
Mealtimes Schedule lunch and breakfast for at least 45 minutes. Schedule snacks for at least 30 minutes.
Scheduling Regular Meals Feed infants on demand. After a year, toddlers can begin eating at scheduled times. Two years and above can typically eat food on schedule.
Create a routine for each meal that accommodates both the needs of the children and the teacher.
Creating A Typical Routine Call for Helpers (Children with daily jobs) Transition Activity (Song) Bathroom and Handwash Break Children sit and eat as the food is placed on the table Children and teachers dispose of plates Transition Activity (Song)
Create a transition activity to and from each meal.
Transition Activities Song Dance Hand Movement Games
Steps to Implementing Transition Alert children when a change is about to take place Set clear expectations and enforce them Give simple directions Use a buddy system Model desired behaviors Use developmentally appropriate transitions
Review Session 1. Why do children need a pleasant environment during mealtimes? 2. What are two things to eliminate distractions during mealtimes? 3. What is a transition activity? 4. What are two transition activities?
Lesson 2 The Picky Eater
The Picky Eater Topics Tips and Strategies for the Picky Eater
Tips Don’t force children to eat Avoid bribery Allow children to role model Explore food Be persistent Introduce food with activity
Strategies Try new foods times for success Introduce food with fun activities Introduce food with books Teach children how to plant a garden Allow children to help cook
Review Session 1. What age do children peak at being picky eaters? 2. Why shouldn’t you force children to eat during mealtimes? 3. How should you introduce new foods? 4. What is an example of bribery? 5. What can you do to assist picky eaters?
Lesson 3 Managing Food Allergies
Managing Food Allergies Topics Creating a Food Allergy Policy Food Allergies Food Allergies and Mealtime
Typical Food Allergens Milk Eggs Peanuts Treenuts Fish Shellfish Soybeans Wheat
Key Symptoms Itching in the mouth and throat Skin rashes or eczema Swelling of tongue or throat Difficulty breathing Cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and/or vomiting Decline in blood pressure Loss of consciousness
Create a Food Allergy Policy Food Allergy Policy Development Team Center Administrators Select Teachers Food Service Workers Select Parents Physician or Nurse
Steps to Success Step 1: Implement the Food Allergy Policy Discuss policy with parents Request all required forms
Step 2: Inform and review all allergies with staff Place Food Allergy List in designated place Designate a location for medication
Step 3: Learn how to create safe meals and environments for children Host regular safety trainings
Wash hands for 20 seconds to clean and sanitize.
Tips to be Successful 1. Have a positive attitude 2. Implement the Food Allergy Policy 3. Have a teacher/parent conference 4. Request and maintain all required paperwork 5. Place a list of children with food allergies in designated area
Review Session 1. What is a key step in creating a Food Allergy Policy? 2. What are two tips for having a successful meal with a food allergy? 3. Where are two major places a food allergy list should be posted? 4. What is an allergy list?
Lesson 4 Family Style Dining, Conversations, and Etiquette Topics
Family Style Dining Advantages Family Style Dining and Purchasing Implementing Family Style Dining Happy Mealtime
Family Style Dining Promotes: Social Skills Mannerisms Independence Confidence
Family Style Dining Items Plastic wide lip bowls and platters Short handled hard plastic serving spoons Cups Pitchers Plates Spoons Measuring cups Plastic tongs Cleanup supplies
Involve the family by sending home the Sample Family Letter.
Ideal Happy Mealtime Children are happy, talking, and eating in a warm and welcoming environment.
Tips for Success Expect spills Place all food items, including milk, on the table as children are sitting Teach children how to place food on their plate Teach children how to pass the food to their friends Avoid full cleanup until the end of meal
Review Session 1. What are 3 items needed to implement family style dining? 2. What is one thing you should do/consider before implementing family style dining? 3. What is something you should avoid doing during family style dining?
Question and Answer
National Food Service Management Institute The University of Mississippi Mission: To provide information and services that promote the continuous improvement of child nutrition programs Vision: To be the leader in providing education, research, and resources to promote excellence in child nutrition programs