Partner – build relationships Communicate – get our message out Be Relevant – become the force provider Be Ready – provide the right force at the right time Mission Provide, operate, maintain and protect sustainable installations through Engineering and Emergency Response services in support of the local community, State, and National. Vision Leading the way to enable others to succeed As of 24 Aug 2013 Goal 2 Effectively manage and inculcate unit readiness, compliance and self inspection programs Objective 2c Maintain a constant state of readiness based on threats and hazards by employing the Sense, Shape, Shield, and Sustain (S4) methodology for Wing Emergency Management resources. Objective 2b Ensure 100% Mission Readiness through Prime Base Engineering Emergency Forces (BEEF) Programs and Initiatives. Objective 2a Goal 3 Sustain unit readiness through by effective ETS management.. Objective 3c Increase readiness through development and implementation of a viable squadron recruiting and retention program. Objective 3b Ensure the proper resources are appropriately planned for, on hand, and utilized in a timely and effective manner. Objective 3a 136 th Civil Engineer Squadron Goal 1 Provide timely, accurate, development- orientated, and supportive performance feedback Objective 1c Proactively manage an Awards and Decorations Program that recognizes Airmen who perform their duties above and beyond in a timely manner and to protect the integrity of the program Objective 1b Manage and execute integrated training programs that provide realistic and flexible training Objective 1a Goal 4 Aggressively pursue future missions by identifying state and federal requirements. Objective 4c Improve and modernize facilities through life- cycle forecasting and replacement. Objective 4b BCE personnel must ensure future resource acquisition requirements are identified, programmed and managed to allow for timely execution.. Objective 4a Champions: Maj Wayne Sanaghan SMSgt Joel Cherry Champions: CMSgt Keith Mears MSgt Shane Cox Champions: Capt Jon Hall MSgt Darren Jackson Champions: Lt Col Kevin McKinney SSgt David Shamburger “Can Do Will Do!” Mentoring/Professional Development Physical Fitness Proficiency Training Recruiting New Personnel Put People First – invest in our human capital (1, 3, 5) (2, 3, 8, 9) (1, 3, 4, 6, 7) (1, 2, 4, 6, 7 ) Through transformation, ensuring current and future mission needs are met for the TXANG. Cultivate and support a trained capable engineering force. Enhance Civil Engineering readiness and warfighting capabilities. Promote the professional development of Airmen. Air Force Civil Engineering Goals Build Ready Engineers Build Great Leaders Build Sustainable Installations
Realistic and flexible training Recognition of Airmen Provide performance feedback Resource management Recruitment and retention ETS management Ensure mission readiness Constant state of readiness Inculcate assessment programs Future resource acquisition Cycle forecasting and replacement Future missions Professional Development of Airmen Facilities Transformation Civil Engineering Readiness and Warfighting Trained and Capable Engineering Force 136 th Civil Engineer Squadron Ready Engineers Great Leaders Sustainable Installations End State Air Force Key Goals Vision Lines of Effort Leading the way to enable others to succeed As of 24 Aug 2013