SLC Master Schedule Implementation From “Paper to Practice” Mike Neubig
A school must first address the philosophy / culture within the school in order to create a belief system that ALL students can learn and ALL teachers should be expected to teach high level curriculum. Also, that there is EXTREME power in common teachers sharing common students and meeting regularly regarding their needs.
SLC’s are designed to provide equal opportunity within each community, by providing less segmentation and more flexibility to move between course levels.
Students are placed into a tracking sequence by providing multiple labels to students based upon past performance and other data: Teacher recommendations Grades Attendance/discipline Test scores To be successful, this system must be changed to one for heterogeneous grouping. (Equity)
The size of the “SLC Box” (student time spent in each SLC) depends upon how much a school is able to: prescribe vertical course sequences reduce core course levels and assign teachers by SLC - not by department. (Process)
Team ATeam BTeam C Outside Time Learning Community Time Outside Time Learning Community Time Outside Time Learning Community Time Outside Time
Student Purity The percentage of students in each SLC specific class who are actually in that community: should be above 90% in grade 9 should be above 80% in grades Teacher Purity Teachers in each SLC should teach the majority of their courses within the SLC and have 3 hours per week of common planning time.
Math Foundations Algebra A Algebra A and B Algebra 1 Honors Algebra Honors Geometry
Period 1Period 2Period 3Period 4Period 5Period 6Period 7 English Found. English Common Plan English 1 Found. English 1 English 1 English Honors English Common Plan English 1 Honors English 1 English 1 Math Math Found. Common Plan Math Found. ALG 1 Math Honors ALG 1 Common Plan Honors ALG 1 Honors Geometry Math ALG A Common Plan ALG 1ALG A ALG 1 Science Physical Science Common Plan Found. Science Physical Science LAB Physical Science Science Honors Physics Common Plan Honors Physics Honors Biology SS Global 1 Common Plan Global 1 Found. Global 1 SS Honors Global 1 Common Plan Honors Global 1 Global 1 Honors Global 1 Sample schedule of too many course levels and assigning teachers to limited preps Honors Global 1 Heath Academy Arts Academy STEM Academy Global Course Key
Algebra 1 Honors Algebra 1
Period 1Period 2Period 3Period 4Period 5Period 6Period 7 English Found English Found. English Common Plan English 1 Honors English 1 English 1 MathALG 1 Common Plan ALG 1 Honors ALG 1 Science Physical Science Common Plan Physical Science Honors Physical Science LAB Physical Science SSGlobal 1 Common Plan Global 1 Honors Global 1 Global 1 Elective 1 Medical Service Health Science 1 Common Plan Health Science 1 Elective 2 Intro to Health Common Plan Intro to Health Medical Tech Honors Global 1 Heath Academy Arts Academy STEM Academy Global Course Key Sample schedule for a school who has “prescribed and reduced” and assigned teachers preps for purity.
Biology + Honors Chemistry + Honors Ecology + Honors Geology + Honors Physics + Honors AP Biology AP Physics
Grade 11 All SLC - Chemistry or Physics (or Honors) Grade 12 All SLC - Ecology, Geology (or Honors) AP occurs as “global” class across all SLC’s Note: Biology is not offered as a repeat -- must take in summer school, online, or in alternative setting.
Curriculum Analysis (rules for including courses in SLCs). Vertical Course Sequencing (Pathways) reflecting the ADDITION of core courses working with CTE, with common planning time. Deciding upon the minimum half day focus for purity, at each grade level, per SLC Adjusting the registration sheets to reflect the SLCs Gathering course requests by SLC, not in a conglomerate number Dividing courses as SLC specific, suggested electives, and global classes
Sample templates from: Pemberton, NJ Nashville, TN Albuquerque, NM, and Rochester, NY
1. Have no more than three levels (or options) 2. Are able to be taught by one teacher 3. Occur in similar time periods as other SLC classes 4. Are common to almost all students 5. Have similar enrollment numbers to other teamed courses 6. Integrate well with other courses
A TEAM process in which a clear course sequence for each SLC/Career Academy is defined, Seperate tags/codes are created for course requests in each SLC, SLC schedules are built as separate schools, and teachers are assigned by SLC according to enrollment (NOT BY DEPARTMENT)
The BIG shifts:
PeriodAcademy AAcademy BAcademy CAcademy D 1 Elective Lane AP’s/Music 2 Academy Core Core Academy ElectiveAcademy Core 3 Academy ElectiveAcademy Core Core Academy Core 4 Core Academy Core Lunch 5 Academy Core Lunch Academy Core 6 Lunch Academy ElectiveAcademy CoreAcademy Elective 7 Core Academy Core Core
Period Social Studies EnglishCareer Tech Academy Elective 1 Academy Plan 2 Academy Core Outside Corse Academy Tech Outside Course 3 Academy Core CoreLunch 4 Outside Core Academy CoreAcademy TechAcademy Elective 5 Academy Core Lunch Academy Elective 6 LunchOutside CorseOutside Course Academy Elective 7 Outside Course Academy CoreAcademy Tech Outside Course
School9th Purity10th Purity Overall Average Antioch97%72%85% Cane Ridge78%63%71% Glen Cliff81%52%67% Hillsboro86% Hillwood92%73%83% Hunters Lane90%70%80% Overton82% Maplewood78% McGavock90%84%87% Pearl Cohn73% Stratford74% Whites Creek89%64%77% Third Run - Late August Final Average 9th Purity 10th Purity Overall District 84%68%76%
School9th Purity 10th Purity Overall Average Teacher Purity Antioch96%72%84%49% Cane Ridge77%61%69%32% Glen Cliff82%47%65%33% Hillsboro Hillwood78%59%69%33% Hunters Lane62%54%58%32% Overton Maplewood McGavock77%82%79%50% Pearl Cohn Stratford79% Whites Creek58%54%56%33% District Average71%61.30%69%38% School 9th Purity 10th Purity Overall Average Teacher Purity Antioch97.05%73%85%50% Cane Ridge76.30%61%69%30% Glen Cliff80.40%45%63%33% Hillsboro Hillwood80%59%70%36% Hunters Lane76.30%56%66%33% Overton Maplewood McGavock81%82%81.50%46% Pearl Cohn Stratford64.32% Whites Creek61%59%60%36% District Average72.50%62.10%71%38% First Run Second Run – Mid August
Scheduling Guide by Mike Neubig The Practitioner’s Guide to Scheduling SLC’s and Career Academies; Equity in Action $39.95 each Available for purchase here or order via