Christianity Founder: Jesus 2 Billion Followers Much of what is known about Jesus is found in the Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament of the Bible. Jesus was born about 4 B.C. in Bethlehem, near Jerusalem. He was born of a virgin mother, Mary, who was told that she would give birth to a messiah.
Christianity, continued Jesus grew up in Nazareth and worshiped God and followed Jewish law. Assembled a group of twelve close followers, the apostles, to help him in his mission of preaching to villagers. Crowds grew to hear his teachings and see miracles performed.
Christianity, continued Preached about God and the Ten Commandments, obedience to God’s laws. His mission was to bring spiritual salvation and eternal life to all who would believe. Called himself the Son of God. Betrayed by one of his disciples, Jesus was arrested by the Romans, tried and crucified on a cross. The Bible states that he rose from the dead and commanded his disciples to spread his teachings, then ascended into heaven.
Christianity, continued Following the death of their founder, the apostles and other disciples spread Jesus’ message and helped establish Christian communities.
Christianity, continued Paul, a Jew, would become a convert to Christianity and would journey throughout the Mediterranean and set up churches. In long letters to the Christian communities, he explained and expanded Christian teachings. These letters became part of the New Testament.